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May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




[Novel] The Mirror [Chapter 1 (2/2)]

13 Juni 2022   19:07 Diperbarui: 13 Juni 2022   19:25 127
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"That's true, again. Normal humans will only see that as a natural death, but you three as guardians can see the string. And it will always be connected with the mirror, since the mirror is the gate to the world you're living in right now."

"There's too much information... even for my smart brain," sighed Bonhwa.

"I know you guys need time to understand the situation and you also have a lot of things to learn. So for now, I suggest you guys just go back and have proper rest. We can continue this next time."

"Next time? When is that next time?" asked Myungwoo, confused.

"You just need to remember the basic information. You can come to this world with any mirror near you when you're sleeping. So basically, you'll come here in the form of your spirit. Your body will stay sleeping. From now on, you have full control of your spirit whether you wanna sleep or wander with that spirit. And also, the size of the mirror can't be too small. It should be at least half of your body," explained Sungmi, "second, your body will be vulnerable during the time you're here, so make sure you're sleeping in a very safe place. Third, the time here is half time slower than the time in your world, and to keep the trace, you still can use your non-digital watch. Just leave all of your digital things because it won't work here."

"So we are gonna live without technology again..." mumbles Myungwoo.

"And one more important thing. The mirror you use to pass through from this world will be the same gate for the next time you come here. If three of you leave using this castle's mirror, then the next time you come here, even if you come from a different mirror from your world, you'll appear here."

"Is the mirror some kind of our... save spot? Like in the game?" asked Minseong loudly.

"Correct!" said Sungmi while smiling widely.

"Cool! I wanna come here every night!"

"I do want you to come often because you need to undergo a lot of training to sharpen your skills and abilities, but since the energy you use here will be the same with energy you use in your current world, you should be wise. By coming here in your sleep, it means you can't recharge your energy. Do you understand that?"

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
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