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WTC 911 Hanya Rekayasa AS?

13 April 2010   02:30 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:50 1109
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WCBS Live, Siaran Langsung WCBS:

Patrol agency, they believe that they was saw some of explosive devices…! Satpam percaya bahwa mereka melihat beberapa dari bahan-bahan peledak.

“Just moment ago, I spoke to the chief of safety from fire department. Chief! Our theory was the possiblilty of the secondary devices, that is another bombs going off. He try to get his men out as quickly as he could, but he said that there’s another explosions which took place.

And then, and our after to be the first hit here on the first craft that took place. He said: “There was another explosions that took places in any one of the towers here.” He think that there were actually devices that were planted in the building. The second devices, he think: He speculated was probably planted in the buildings.”

“Beberapa saat lalu, Saya mewancarai Kepala keamanan dari Pemadam Kebakaran. Pak! pengamatan saya adalah kemungkinan adanya peledak-peledak lain, disamping bom-bom yang sudah meledak. Dia mencoba memerintahkan anak buahnya untuk segera secepatnya keluar dari lokasi sedapat mungkin, dan dia juga mengatakan ada banyak peledak-peledak lain di banyak tempat.

Lalu, kami ialah (reporter) yang pertama kali sampai kemari. Dia berkata: “Ada banyak peledak-peledak diberbagai tempat di sembarang gedung ini.” He memastikan peledak-peledak sungguhan yang dipasang didalam gedung. Sementara peledak-peledak tambahan lainnya, dia memperkirakan ditanam disekitar gedung-gedung.”

SIARAN MSNBC: First one and then the other some say after secondary explosion…! Pertama dan diikuti oleh ledakan-ledakan lainnya…!

SIARAN LAINNYA (TANPA LOGO TV): We understand now there has been secondary explosion on the tower 2! Kami sadar sekarang baru saja terjadi ledakan-ledakan pada menara nomor dua.

COURTESY ABC: … gak jelas ngomong apa… capek deh… :D


There’s a bomb in the building!
There’s a bomb in the building, start clearing out!
I’m sorry you say there is a bomb?
What did you say?
There’s a bomb in the building, start clearing out!
Got it!
There’s a report of a secondary device in the area!
I got a secondary device!
Report of a secondary…!

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