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Create Your Own Reality

18 November 2022   11:08 Diperbarui: 18 November 2022   11:24 252
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What does Create your own reality  mean ?, Creating your own reality is about  consciouly choosing what you want,changing or modyfying the things you dont like, accesing your dreams by making come true and learning to control the subtleties of your  life force. The procces of choosing one option option over another is something not easy. 

For the smallest thing , determining which transportation and route to choose can ruin our mood all day if it doesn’t go according to plan, Especially when we are meet conditions where the decicions will have a huge impact on our lives .There is a need for carefull considerations through searching for relevant information for the sake of trenthening the decisions .Event though it feels difficult to determinethe right choice,is important to know that we still have to choose one of them.

 A. The truth Of your Physical existance

 Not choosing make us stay in place and hide from reality. Indeed ,in the procces,making a big choice in involve a variety of feelings and emotions.Not to mentions if we have a lot of discussions with other people .The more considerations it will have .That is way we must exactly the sources that are invited to disscuss .Is the source reliable ,what is the backround of the course is it valid to influence us thingking ?,Beiing objective is verry necesarry when making important decisions in live .Creating Your real world requires several components to understand it and embody it as the truth of your physical existence .They are :

  • Willpower
  • thought and focus
  • emotions
  • beliefs
  • choices
  • the lower of word


To begin the process of creation ,a firm itention is required.You can’t necessarily control the world you live in ,but you can have deliberate judgment that you can change your thoughts ,beliefs ,and perceptions in ways tou want .it guides you into the conscious realm of positive thoughts and encourages you to make your choices  in the real world


You create your reality with the power ofyour thoughts .Thought guide emotions and actions .The human brain is never empty .Thought is alive  and has boundless  energy .If  you keep positive vibrations.Like wiss, if you harbor negative thoughts ,they will generate negative vibrations


Every though carries an emotional with it .It can be that of happines, and joy.Or maybe that of fear,anger and jealosy.If you concreate on pain suffering you bring it into your life .Foccusing on fear mean it starts dictating your feelings and thus your acations

As it kills your self confidence ,you always tend a move a backward and cannot achieve succes .Fear keeps you away from facing new challenges and opportunities

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