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Create Your Own Reality

18 November 2022   11:08 Diperbarui: 18 November 2022   11:24 252
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Believes are the source of you thought .If you believe  that you live in hostitle word, then you do.On the other hand ,if you believe that you life in a word of kinddnes and generosity, you believe too .Beliefes are images or ideas that trigger various thoughts  in your subconscius  mind .It based on attitudes, values and perceptions. Confidence comes from Social interaction and community learning.


We all make choices anout the things we want to have. The choices we make define the world for us.If we make a good choice, the universe respond to that movie in a positive way.

It helps us to make it happen for us. Based in your choices , you can make the right decision.Choices make your dreams come true.

The power of words

Words become real when  you say them a certain way.It creates healty thoughts and feelings. Words like “Im good enough, i can achieve my goals “ can convey a positive outlook on life.

B. Law of attraction Vs create your own reality

The law of attraction is a universal principle that states that you will attract  into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will comeback to you

When you focus on the abdduence of good things in your life ,you will automatically attract more positive things into yourlife .But if you center yourslef on negative thoughs and inly focus on what you lack in life , then you will ultimately attract negatify  into your life and what you you want most will continue to include you. The human mind attracts and create things that are formulated by their thoughts ,feelings and actions . Whatever the law of attraction is true or a matter of fiction is a matter of controversy.Each thought that you posses sends out vibration energy into the universe

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