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Create Your Own Reality

18 November 2022   11:08 Diperbarui: 18 November 2022   11:24 252
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You create a reality that is in agreement woth that vibration.The more focused you are, the stronger is the attraction . Thus , the real world is created that is in tune with your inner realm of self awareness.
    C. Signs You Can Be Happy With Your Own    Reality

Not Obbesed with Other people’s standard of living   

Don’t be provoked by parties who have spesific goals that want  to direct us to choices that may not suit us.That is why it must be ensured not to get carried away by emotions and be wisher in processing other people opinions.You are comfortable with your own life choices .Do not feel disturbed or pressured by other people’s living standards and make unhealty comparisons ,we will be far  from happy.Meanwhile,when we focus  on living our own lives  then we can find our happines

Feel Inner Statisfaction

No matter how small or trivial the thing you do, but if it can bring inner statisfaction then that is more than enough to make you happy .This inner statisfaction and this can be a source of your own happiness.The warm  and comfortable feelings that flows is proof that you are quiet  happy with wathever choice you make.

Be responsible for the choices You make

Later after the pros and cons begin to from,start connecting with the values and goals you want to achieves .Is the choices in accordance with self -idealism?Can the choices help achieves an outcome?Do not rush to conclude something if you are not sure with  confidance if one of the choices . This will be only lead us to be  influenced  or dollow other people’s choice .Be honest with yourself and avoid thingking “What will other people say about us?.If we choose different from them

Have Good Hope

Determining a big choice maybe for some people is like forcing them to step outside of their comfort zone .It is normal that at first will be feel doubt and fear .But event though we are afraid,that doesen’t mean we have to abandon the existing choices .Whatever the situations is and whatever  our choices are something the right choices is when we choose a choice that is accordance  with our consicience. A few  tips to realize create your own reality:

  • Do little things that you like
  • Proud of all achievements you have achieved
  • Surround yourself with the right people.When you see and hear positive things.Your attitude towards life changes
  • Have a growth mindset and let you grow with the effort you put in and close your ears to everything other people say

Sometimes,things just happen on their own.We have no control over them .The fact is that we can only create our reality to a limited extent

Various life situation pose a threat to our existance that humans cannot do anything about. In such circunstance.We are not responsible for what is happening around us

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