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Sarah Afina Vrileuis
Sarah Afina Vrileuis Mohon Tunggu...

Be a hardworker all the time, and the high class dreamer. Journalism is my own world.




Merry Riana (Manusia 1 Juta Dollar)

11 Januari 2015   22:58 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   13:21 234
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I thank God for this. God gives me all the way from her experiences, her achievements, her stories, and her fighting, and commands me to follow that way as an instance of being success!

And i brave to tell you that "I am going to get financial freedom like Merry Riana" at my 20, like her too, but in the different way and field of course.

The simple one what's my reason to do this, because i won't continuingly become nothing for everyone.

I indeed haven't all people need to get the free financial thinking, but I have 3 things I need to be success.

1. Willingness

2. Work Hard

3. Endurance

Maybe that's not the best assets, but i'll try to make it works. And the most important thing all the way i have is, DREAMS. I proud to tell this, I AM DREAMER.

Have you believe that there will someone who can flying free in the beautiful sky? No?

But i tell yes, i believe in. Because for me "Impossible is nothing, nothing is impossible"

Thanks Miss Merry for you smile, for your humble, for your friendable, for your.... ah i adore you really when i met you!

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