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dian maya sari Mohon Tunggu... -

Suka berolahraga dan Travelling. Antusias dengan instrument alat pukul, dan berkeinginan untuk bisa meniup saxophone. Tertarik dengan hal yang baru.



Travel Story

Kota Meme

27 Mei 2015   10:24 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   06:33 62
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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

In this morning, I and my boss went to Singakawang. It is located at about 145 km from Pontianak. Singkawang is famous by its tourism. There are interesting places for vocation such a Vihara chikung temple, Beaches, Gunung Poteng and so on. But in this time we visited the coffee shop, temple and beaches. The first place which we visited is the temple. The location is near by the oldest Mosque in Singkawang. By that, we could see how understanding among Chinesse, Dayak and Malay ecthic in Singkawang, etc run so well. #Bhinneka Tunggal Ika…

[caption id="attachment_191" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Temple & The Oldest Mosque in Singkawang"][/caption] After visited and took temple and mosque pictures, the next destination was coffee shop. My boss said if this place was the famous coffee shop in Singkawang. Hhmm.. a bit curious about the tasted. Despite, i am not coffee lover.. but Greentea hehehe.Well, the tasted still the same with other coffee I guessed.. nothing different although my boss tried to explain if there were different. In the coffee shop we talked about the program. How could we still discuss about job in the middle of holiday… ?? #OMG…

Driver’s pose unintentionally

We stopped our activities to pray and have a lunch for a while and continued explored the beaches by then. My boss aimed to have a sunset picture. And lets go…! The first beaches is called Pasir Panjang 2. The landscape was not so bad. There were visitors enjoying their time to take a picture, or just sitting in the small café. The Second place is called Mimi land. The ambience doesn’t really different with the first one. But may be in here was cleaner and too many stone in the edge of the beach. I have                                                                                                               taken a picture of our driver. Very candid.. The last but not least is Kura-kura Beach. We decided to waiting the sunset here.

Sunset at Kura-Kura Island

Because based on my boss instinct (photographer’s instinct hehee) it would be beauty to take a sunset. And Bingo… the sunset really meant it. The landscape was so precious…# what a blessed to have an opportunity saw that moment… In this beach there were other Photographer with us. They tried to capture the sunset like we did. And… after the sunset fell and the day changed we decided to go back to Pontianak cheerfully because we got what we wanted for…

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