this body is seen as
beautiful while
its nature is
seen as ugly
 - rupi kaur
The above poem is a poem that does not rhyme. The poem tells of a woman who cannot carelessly talk about menstruation in public because it is considered impolite, we can see in the quote "apparently it is ungraceful of me to mention my period in public" (stanza 1). Talking about menstruation is considered a taboo subject, so women often feel embarrassed when they have to talk about it in public, especially if they are of the opposite sex. For this reason, not a few people then replace or refine the word 'menstruation' with other terms. Then next, "cause the actual biology of my body is too real" (stanza 1), this quote tries to explain that menstruation is a biological cycle that every woman in this world has to go through. Then why is menstruation considered a taboo, this should be a natural and commonplace thing. Even this taboo thing makes women ashamed when carrying sanitary napkins, most women hide when carrying them, which is basically a need that women must fulfill. In contrast to telling or talking about women's vital organs, this is not a taboo subject for most people, this is confirmed by the quote from the poem above, "more than it is okay to mention its inner workings" (stanza 2). Therefore, many men prefer the female body over the female reproductive system. The poem above also agrees that "the recreational use of this body is seen as beautiful" (stanza 3). When someone is talking about a woman's body parts or even having sex with a woman, they often talk about it normally, not something strange. However, talking about menstruation is considered taboo and is seen as negative. "its nature is seen as ugly" (stanza 3) the quote above explains that menstruation is seen as ugly. Menstruating people are considered dirty. In addition to being negatively stigmatized, they are often discriminated against while menstruating, such as getting bullied when they are "translucent" or having to go back and forth to the bathroom to change sanitary napkins. Bad stigmas and discrimination against women who are menstruating are clearly related to feminism. Because in this poem it means women who are humiliated during menstruation.
Many women's life stories are raised as themes in poetry. The book Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur contains a collection of poems with the theme of women's problems. One of the poems in the book tells about women who are menstruating as dirty, and people are taboo about talking about menstruation. Women's bodies are liked but their nature is considered despised. Women who are menstruating are looked down upon and have entered into feminism. The atmosphere in this poem is sadness when feminism appears. This poem by Rupi Kaur conveys a message not to commit acts of feminism against women who are menstruating by looking at them dirty or lowly, because menstruation is the nature of a woman.
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