Have you ever heard the word 'Snail Mail'? Do you know what actually snail mail means? Well, it simply means the activity of corresponding with people who live so far away through hand-writter letters that require stamps and the use of the post office. The invention of computer and cellphone  make people leave this activity and claim that it is an old-fashioned stuff to do. However, there are some people who also claim that it is the most interesting thing to do. They say that doing snail mail has some benefits, such as improving our creativity, increasing our writing and English skills, and introducing our country.
Doing snail mail can improve our creativity, for we have to decorate our letters as unique as possible. We can decorate our letters by drawing doodles, pressing dried flowers and stickers, and cutting the papers in a unique way. Decorating letters is a must, so that they will be more interesting and that our pen pals will be much happier to receive them. Decorating letters improves our creativity as we need to make our letters nice to look at.
Snail mail is the activity of writing something on the paper, and the more we write the better our writing skill will be. We can write about a lot of things in our letters, like about our families, our schools, our friends, and even our country. Not only can increase our writing skill, but doing snail mail can increase our English skill too. Our pen pal is a person whose native language is not the same as ours, so we have no choice but write in English. By writing letters in English, we will boost our grammar, words construction, and vocabularies, so not only our writing skill, but our English skill will be much better as well.Â
We can use letter as a media to introduce our country to people living in other contries. We can write about our country in the letter, and also give something to our pen pals that is related to our country. Postcards, coins, magnets, and candies are things that people usually send to their pen pals in order to make their pen pals know about their countries better. By sending a thing related to our country, our pen pals will know something about our country, and who knows they will also learn more about our country.
Boosting creativity, writing skill, and English, and even making the country more well-known are some benefits that people get in doing snail mail. Although there is already email facility which is way easier and faster, I believe that snail mail is an activity that some people will not leave.
Winda Andriani Rachmawaty
Penerima Beasiswa Unggulan
Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing (STBA) LIA Jakarta
Angkatan 2013
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