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Humaniora Pilihan

Mari Belajar Past Tense #5

8 Agustus 2023   19:44 Diperbarui: 8 Agustus 2023   19:47 442
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

Kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung setelah istirahat pertama. Kegiatan diawali dengan sharing tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing siswa sehari sebelumnya. 

Setelah itu siswa diminta menyimak tayangan Past Tense, berbekal laptop yang terhubung ke proyektor, dan keyboard yang terhubung ke laptop, satu persatu siswa diminta menuliskan nama dan satu kalimat past tense.  Berikut hasilnya; 

  • My name is Joko, I went to school this morning.
  • My name is fadhlan, I play games.
  • My name is Bayyo, I went to learn.
  • my name is bintang,i have breakfast.

  • my name is cahaya, i played guitar.
  • My name is assyifa,i watched television.
  • My name is devariel i see the bird in the morning.
  • My name is aulia s, i try some food.

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi
  • My name is sabrina, i stay in sukarame.
  • my name is cinta, i drew the school.
  • my name is syafa,i went to swimming pool last day
  • My name is nathan, i fishing in the sea.

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi
  • my name is Jovan,i ate fried chiken last day.
  • My name is fadhil,i won a basketball game.
  • My name is Haiqal,i went to the mosque to pray.
  • my name is Abidzar,i playing football.

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi
  • My name is Ata,i use SmartPhone.
  • my name dhafa, i watch tiktok
  • my name is raffa, i practice martial arts.
  • My name is Ainun, i water the flowers in the morning.

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi
  • My name is Kanya, i read books during the day.
  • my name is naima,I bought spicy food last day.
  • My name is rania, i went to mall last day.
  • my name is shyfa , i played tennis last day

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi
  • my name is bilqist,i wrote a journal in backyard
  • my name IS AULIA, I COOking some food.
  • my name is rahmad, i often sleep in the mosque.
  • my name is tycko, i like to momorize the quran.

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi
  • my name yusril,i playing futsal
  • my name is randi, i brushed my teeth
  • my name is fakhri, i playing pingpong
  • my name is raffy, i playing billiard

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi

Usai seluruh siswa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengetikkan kalimatnya, bersama-sama siswa diajak kembali membaca penjelasan tentang past tense. Lalu bersama-sama memperbaiki kalimat diatas, berikut adalah hasilnya. 

  • My name is Joko, I went to school this morning.
  • My name is Fadhlan, I played games yesterday.
  • My name is Bayyo, I went to learn Math at school last Saturday.
  • My name is Bintang, I had breakfast this morning.
  • My name is Cahaya, I played guitar last night.

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi
  • My name is Assyifa, I watched television yesterday.
  • My name is Devariel, I saw the bird in the morning.
  • My name is Aulia s, I tried some food in the mall yesterday.
  • My name is Sabrina, I stayed in sukarame last year.
  • My name is Cinta, I drew the school last week.
  • My name is Syafa, I went to swimming pool last day.
  • My name is Nathan, I went fishing in the sea last Sunday.
  • My name is Jovan, I ate fried chicken last year.
  • My name is Fadhil, I won a basketball game last month.
  • My name is Haiqal, I went to the mosque to pray this morning.
  • My name is Abidzar, I played football yesterday.
  • My name is Ata, I used SmartPhone to do English Worksheet this morning.
  • My name Dhafa, I watched tiktok last night.
  • My name is Raffa, I practiced martial arts last friday.
  • My name is Ainun, I watered the flowers in this morning.
  • My name is Kanya, I read books yesterday.
  • My name is Naima, I bought spicy food last day.
  • My name is Rania, I went to mall last day.
  • My name is Shyfa, I played tennis last day.  
  • My name is Bilqist, I wrote a journal in backyard.
  • My name is Aulia, I cooked some food this morning.
  • My name is Rahmad, I slept in the mosque when I was elementary school.
  • My name is tycko, I liked to memorize the quran.
  • My name Yusril, I played futsal last Saturday.
  • My name is Randi, I brushed my teeth this morning.
  • My name is Fakhri, I played pingpong last month.
  • My name is Raffy, I played billiard last Tuesday.

Dokumen Pribadi
Dokumen Pribadi

Siswa diminta untuk merubah kalimat seperti contoh di bawah ini

  • My name is Joko, I went to school this morning.  >>>>>>>> Joko went to school this mornig. 
  • My name is Fadhlan, I played games yesterday. >>>>>>>> Fadhlan played games yesterday. 

    • Bahan Bacaan

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