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Widya Bakkara
Widya Bakkara Mohon Tunggu... -

Social Anthropology's student of University of north Sumatera friends of the earth



Travel Story

"Our Nice Trip" (Mardinding - Sinabung) Kab.Karo, North Sumatera, April, 26th-28th 2013

12 Juli 2013   23:30 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   10:38 78
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Middle examination was over. We felt that we needed a refreshing, and we’ve planned a trip. Our first plan was “Sibayak – Pintau” but my friends didn’t interest with it. Finally, we decided “Mardinding – Sinabung” trip. There were five persons from FM and one person was our older brother who joined in our trip. We prepared and checked our tools before we were going. We hopped the best for this adventure.

At Friday afternoon, we went from Alumni 02, walked through the street with big bags in our back, got on the public transportation and stopped at Sutera Transport station. We were waiting for a moment. When the condectur  was bringing our bags up, we got on the bus. Kiki and I sat on the right side, but the others sat behind us. We paid ten thousands rupiah each other. When it was full of passangers, we went soon. During the trip, we took a nap. Did you know what happen ? We woke up and it was arrived at Kabanjahe.

We were very hungry. So, kiki, Ishak, and I looked for the meals’shop, we found it, and bought two packages of Aceh’s noodles. The sun went to the west, the day was going to twilight. We didn’t want wasted time there, just walked through on the left side of the road. We would go to the bus station. There, we had standing party (ate with standing position). We tried to talking with the bus driver about the cost. I remembered that we passed a place that name was Tugu Bambu.

Borneo transport took us to Mardinding crossroad. We got down and the drizzle was coming down too, wet the streets. Everyone used raincoat and we started our trip. I was too lazy passed the street because it was very dark, scary, silent, and far away. Might, we walked some kilometers. But, with our togetherness, spirit, believe too. We could through it. We entered the villagers area, and the dogs barked us. It felt horrible, but we were very pleasured.

We were in 1040 meters from sea level. Finally, we arrived at the village headmen’s house. He accepted us happily and full of hospitality. Unforgot, we introduced our selves,  told  about our aims came there and gave the permission letter to him. His name was Mr.Sitepu. His wife named Mrs.Tarigan, she served us cold tea. It was very nice. Then we cooked our meals, and had a dinner. We enjoyed it so much. All of us took a sleep with our sleeping bags. Good night..

In the next was very cool and fresh, did you wanna try ?The alarms was ringing, Kiki and I woke up, started to cooking meals for our breakfast, boiled the water, and did the other things. We have prepared the breakfast meals’ but we would not eat, if Ishak & Akang come yet. We were waiting for them. “They  are coming, let’s have a breakfast” I said, and we did it. After we were full, we cleaned the dishes, swept the floor, changed our clothes, and the last was packed our tools. Surely that nothing was missed. We spent our spare time talked with Mr.Sitepu and his wife. They said that  Mardinding village was one of villages in Kec.Tiganderkat, Kab.Karo, North Sumatera. There were about 900 villagers with 40 households. Batak Karo was the majority ethnic groups there, another  was like Batak Toba, and java ethnic groups. The villagers went to the market in Tiganderkat once a week on Thursday, bought their daily needs. Some of them worked as farmers who planted coffee, cocoa, and advocad trees. There was an elementary school, mosque, jambur, church, and health post near Mr.Sitepu’s house that used by the villagers. The people who lived there were Moslems and protestans. Almost of houses had a large fields.Then, we got some photos with Mr.Sitepu and Mrs.Tarigan. We had big smiles and shiny face in that morning. We permitted to them and gave many thanks. We left the house, and walked (again) for 20 minutes. We stopped for a moment and had a stretching. At that time, some of mothers would go to their fields. A boy with his cows walked up the path.Step by step we walked without complained. We got our first rest, then continued our trip till we found the “Pintu rimba”. During the trip, we had many jokes and stories. After our third rest, we had a lunch. Bread with chocolate, orange syrups, and mineral waters. So fresh we thought. A woman in mid aged, persuaded us to her field. She gave us marquisa and Netherland’s egg plant. We thanked to her and shaked hands. We continued our experience.

About  a half and 06 p.m we arrived at Sinabung mountain’s top. The high was about 2.400 meters from the sea level. The sun was going to the west. We enjoyed the very beautiful and amazing view. Excited ! I was so satisfied. Then, we built the tent and cooked the dinner’s meals. Dinner was over, we play the games, listened to the music.We learned described the rute with our compass and map. The very cool air became cold when we were in togetherness, laugh and felt the difference milieu. Slept in the night.

Our last morning in Sinabung,,We got up from our long sleep, as usually, cooked meals for breakfast. Noodles. Unbelieveable, we looked the wonderful view. How lovely the nature ! we got hungry. What was going on ? cooked and breakfast (again).  Okay friends, we’ve stepped our feet there. We have enjoyed our nice trip, we had known how the situation over there. Many people threw their rubbish there. They destroyed and made the nature dirty. We packed our tools, walked down with funny story, at once we jumped and slippered. In Shelter 2, we took a rest and lunch. We have arrived in Lau Kawar, we went to dimas house for took a rest. Then came back to Medan and arrived at 09.30 p.m in KU.

The end

NB :

I know this is just a simple trip and simply note, but I can fel the big means. I hope we can go together again to the next place, hope more big experience and most beautiful view. Never erase ! never forget our story ! never surrender for the other challenge for your life. Loved yesterday, live today, so you won’t regret tomorrow. If there some mistakes in my action or my says. I apologize. I’ll received if you wanna give a Critic and suggestion. :)

Best regards

Widya Bakkara Sandharo

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