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Mr. Purwalodra
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My name is Purwalodra. I am a student at STBA CHP. My real name is Muhammad Eko Purwanto. I like writing on internet marketing. I live in Indonesia and is ready to look for business partners. However, matters relating to the technical blog and others, I still much to learn. That's why this article is very useful to me. Thanks.




Small Wedding Etiquette

19 Agustus 2011   17:17 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:38 39
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The Advantages Of Small Wedding Etiquette

By. Weerad D. Arma. [caption id="attachment_125767" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Small Wedding Etiquette"][/caption]

Small Wedding Etiquette with elegant value is one of the most beautiful wedding that you can manage it well. With the cost is not too expensive, you can perform this marriage casually and you'll have plenty of time and to avoid interference an unacceptable. A wedding without too many frills and symbols, will be able to convince you to better focus on the ceremony that you will hold.

Small wedding etiquette

Clothing: guests that you invite only advised to wear comfortable clothes for them. Dresses that can be selected from the closet is a white or even a dress suitable for a small wedding. While the bridesmaids could also wear a white dress or even shorts. The groom can go for khakis or even jeans paired with a shirt and sports jacket.

Setting: In a small wedding can be held at a community center, local park or even the backyard of your parents. The ceremony can also be implemented in unique locations such as rooftops, warehouses, an art gallery. It can describe the personality of the couple.

Invitation: In this small wedding invitations that you can make handwritten on handmade paper, and send the invitation to your friends as well as writing a note to close friends. It is important to note that the guests you have pu on casual wear.

Flowers: Decoration that you can make a simple lamp like daffodils or tulips that can serve as an alternative to flower arrangements flower. Using this will provide an atmosphere that you want and generate huge savings for the couple. Then, Gerber diary can be included in a flat container filled with wheat grass, it can also serve as a center of interest.

Food menu: The menu of this small wedding can be very diverse. This party can be planned several months before the wedding and guests can be asked to bring their favorite recipes. The couple can assign their favorite menu and use it as a wedding meal. All this would be wonderful if you acknowledge their prescriptions by placing a label on the front of each dish.

It has become tradition, the bride is usually the parents are always responsible and care about the marriage her children whether it is small or large. However, many couples who do not want to burden his parents, with a party this will be more challenging. Etiquette in collecting money from relatives, friends and family, usually discussed in advance how to share the cost of marriage, as every young couple may not be sufficient to cover all their needs.

Of course, the budget will be the primary basis on the type of wedding that will be implemented. Couples need to meet with everyone who will be present. However, couples can not force their parents to spend money. The couple can make compromises if they are very limited budget. For example, a cheaper ring can be used. Some couples do not even have a wedding ring at all. Those who live in a nice climate can have a reception at home and hire catering services. However, the opposite may also occur.

Etiquette in the cost of service

The couple should be able to ensure that guests are invited to feel comfortable with the people who helped in your marriage, whether it be a wedding expert, photographer and even a florist. They must also be able to share the same vision about how marriage should be out and not just focus on how the budget will be spent. A spouse can receive the lowest possible prices but if the service provided does not meet what was promised, it would be futile, although only a small wedding.

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