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Mr. Purwalodra
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My name is Purwalodra. I am a student at STBA CHP. My real name is Muhammad Eko Purwanto. I like writing on internet marketing. I live in Indonesia and is ready to look for business partners. However, matters relating to the technical blog and others, I still much to learn. That's why this article is very useful to me. Thanks.




Proper Wedding Etiquette

19 Juli 2011   09:24 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   03:33 83
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Most Noticeable Proper Wedding Etiquette

By. Weerad D. Arma [caption id="attachment_120131" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Proper Wedding Etiquette "][/caption]

At each partner can decide to commit to each other and reveal themselves to undergo a marriage, then family and friends you will equally share the happy day with your wedding is. Because the proper wedding etiquette is required for different aspects of marriage. Starting from the care of invitations, for the transportation, reception details, location and the church, everything has an appropriate wedding etiquette appropriate to follow.


Wedding etiquette appropriate and right have to be planned during the engagement. First is that the news should be announced to the next of kin. A meeting of the two families should be regulated. Wedding etiquette is right and good is to meet with their respective parents, they need to deliver the news at a time. As for friends, a good wedding etiquette is to announce to them personally after the family.

Wedding preparations

Set a theme wedding is the first of the couple mutually agreed that all the following details will be affected. If couples choose beach wedding, the right wedding etiquette is that it will refer to the pattern of the theme. There is a wedding planner that can be coordinated to everything that is helpful for the bride in arranging their special day.

The next question is when and where the wedding will be held. This is a special topic to be considered by the bridal couple. The couple also have to decide what kind of ceremony they will hold. Is this going to be a church or a civil marriage? A good wedding etiquette and proper is referring to the religious preference of the couple. Sometimes even if they share the same religion, the couple can still also do civil marriage.

Location for the wedding reception is the next issue to be decided. As proper wedding etiquette, the couple should pay attention to guests. Proper wedding etiquette determines that the reception location should be close to the wedding location so that guests need not be too tired when they got there.

Transportation is another factor to consider. Apart from the bridal car, wedding etiquette that is proper to provide for those who do not have a car from the wedding location to the reception area. The couple can also ask guests to bring their own vehicles so they can estimate how many cars they have to rent for groups.

Details of acceptance

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