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Gayus, can he be trusted?

16 Januari 2011   00:34 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   09:32 54
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The answer is of course NOT!

The sheer lunacy of Gayus’ case is mind-numbing and mind-boggling. Where has all the common sense gone? Gayus is a corrupt man inside and out. He was a thief, a rob, a plunderer, a liar, and a criminal.

Where are all the millions of dollars he has stolen? Where is he hiding them? Has he returned any of them, even pennies? He should be sentenced to DEATH immediately. But make no mistakes about it; Gayus' case is just the tip of the iceberg.

The entire system is so corrupt beyond repair. Jaksa, Polri, B*kri*, Pajak, etc, etc, they are all one and the same. They too should be hunted down and sentenced to death. Root them out! These so called 'penegak hukum', those who are corrupt, are indeed like cancerous parasites that are destroying this nation from within by sucking every drop of life and blood from our economy. They are the enemy within, the traitors of Indonesia.

The current misery and poverty that plague Indonesia, the lack of stable and dependable infrastructures like roads, highways, freeways, bridges, schools, hospitals, etc, and the high costs of education and healthcare, etc, are indeed a direct result of their greedy actions.

Wake up Indonesia. If we maintain the statusquo, Indonesia will become a failed state in a matter of time.

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