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Ilmu Sosbud

The Role of Muhammadiyah in Implementing Islamic Values on The Establishment of The Indonesia Ministry of Religion

13 Juni 2024   09:53 Diperbarui: 13 Juni 2024   11:34 66
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Muhammadiyah is one of the largest Islamic society organizations in Indonesia. This organization has an important role in implementing Islamic values like Tawazun (Equality), Tasamuh (Tolerance), and Islah (Reformation) on the journey of the Republic of Indonesia. Starting before Independence Day, Muhammadiyah and his members have contributed to the system politics, creation fundamentals of the state as design members at BPUPKI and PPKI, and pastries politics, including having a role in the establishment of ministry religion.  

Muhammadiyah was established on 18 November 1912 in Yogyakarta, and founded by Kiai Haji Ahmad Dahlan. He is an accomplished Islamic scholar who had studied for a long time in Mecca and a palace official of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. This group was established as a progressive socio-religious movement with the goal of modernizing Islam to suit contemporary Indonesian society. This was shaped by the Egyptian reform movement spearheaded by Muhammad Abduh and aimed to harmonize Muslim teachings with contemporary rational thinking.

The Muhammadiyah also has expanded its presence not only in Indonesia but also in foreign nations such as Australia and Spain. Muhammadiyah is known for its many charitable activities in the fields of education, health, social services, community development, and religious outreach, all of which are centered on Indonesian citizens themselves. In addition, President Soeharto once declared himself a product of Muhammadiyah because he received his education at Muhammadiyah Wonogiri Middle School. In fact, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno has been recognized as a member and administrator of Muhammadiyah since 1933. Prominent figures such as General Sudirman, Ir. Djuanda and Dr. Soetomo were also Muhammadiyah figures in the struggle for Indonesian independence.

This society organization, Muhammadiyah's also has several major goals in their journey. One of the major goals is fostering national unity and patriotism. Muhammadiyah wants to continue to play an important role in the national awakening movement and the struggle for independence, advancing national unity and love of the homeland. Moreover, integrating Islamic values with aim into Indonesian society, especially in the field of education also become a major goal. Whit a focus on developing character and moral values in students. Lastly, Muhammadiyah's goal is to improve the welfare and progress of individuals and Muslims by integrating Islamic principles into several areas of expertise in the Social and Cultural field, with the aim of achieving the independence of the community.

The organization of Muhammadiyah's role in establishing Indonesia's Ministry of Religious Affairs was vital to the nation's political development. Muhammadiyah figures were particularly involved in founding the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Banyumas Regency during Parliamentary Democracy. Muhammadiyah was a special member of the Masyumi party from 1950 to 1958, along with other organizations like Nahdatul Ulama (NU), Islamic Union (Persis), and Islamic Union (PUI). Additionally, central Muhammadiyah became a special member of the Masyumi party. Muhammadiyah members in banyumas joined Masyumi. This shows that Muhammadiyah is committed to significant national and state contributions, including political contributions. This is shown by Muhammadiyah figures K.H. Dardiri and S. Notosuwiryo, who as a member of the Islamic faction's leadership in the Indonesian national committee, proposed the Ministry of Religion to the KNIP. Since Indonesia has a majority of Muslims, two Muhammadiyah figures proposed the Ministry of Religion on the grounds that it is necessary. Thus, need a body to govern Hajj, marriage, zakat, etc. At a Banyumas national committee Islamic faction plenary meeting, the proposal was followed. The Committee approved the government proposal in the meeting. After that, the Banyumas KNIP sent K.H. Dardiri and Haji Soleh Su'aidy to Jakarta to propose to the central KNIP by 25 November 1945.

Four days before the BPKNIP summit, KH. Abu Dardiri and Haji Soleh Su'aidy met with numerous KNIP national officials on November 11. Both offered KNI Banyumas' Ministry of Religion proposal. Several KNIP members supported the KNI Banyumas proposal. Mohammad Natsir, Dr. Muwardi, Dr. Marzuki Mahdi, and M. Kartosudarmo supported KNIP's Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Finally, on November 25, the BPKNIP session turned KNI Banyumas' ideas into a collective decision for the government. The KNIP then presented the plan to the government. On January 3, 1946, President Soekarno proclaimed the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. H. M. Rasyidi was the first religious minister.

From the journey of establishing Indonesia's Ministry of Religious Affairs, we can see Muhammadiyah used Islamic values in the struggle to establish this religious ministry. The first value is Tawazun. The term Tawazun is an attitude of balancing all aspects of life, not leaning towards just one thing. The organization of Muhammadiyah emphasizes the importance of balance between aspects of life, spiritual, material, and the world and the hereafter. the existence of this ministry of religion, will really help the affairs of the Indonesian community, such as matters of worship, alms, etc. The second value is Tasamuh or tolerance. Muhammadiyah encourages tolerance and mutual understanding between people of different religions and ethnicities in this country, recognizing the importance of unity and diversity in Indonesian society. With the existence of a Ministry of Religion initiated by Muhammadiyah's cadres, intolerant attitudes and inter-religious conflicts in Indonesia can be prevented and minimized. Lastly, the value that has been used is Islah or Reformation. Muhammadiyah is committed to reform or renewal of thought in Islamic practice, which aims to modernize and adapt Islam to the needs of contemporary society. With the existence of a Ministry of Religion, this Ministry can continue to study and make policies based on its basics (such as the Al-Quran and Sunnah for Muslims) which can help religious communities in Indonesia in accordance with current conditions.

From the discussion above, we can conclude that the Islamic society organization Muhammadiyah has a big role in implementing Islamic values in the establishment of religious ministry affairs. It can be seen in the Key figures from Muhammadiyah, such as K.H. Dardiri and S. Notosuwiryo, who played crucial roles in proposing the Ministry of Religion to the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP). The establishment of this ministry was seen as vital for the Indonesian community, as it would help manage religious affairs such as worship, alms, and other matters. Muhammadiyah's involvement in this process was guided by three key Islamic values: Tawazun (balance), Tasamuh (tolerance), and Islah (reformation). These values aimed to promote unity, diversity, and modernization in Indonesian society, ensuring that the Ministry of Religious Affairs would be a positive force in the country's development.

Wildan Azka Imaddudin Zanki_20230510171_class L_AIK 2_Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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