Con2.Open "delete from data where hari='" & Combo1.Text & "' and uraian= '" & PT1.Text & "'", db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic LoadData Tutup Bersih End If
If Id = 104 Then
Me.Enabled = True
Set Con2 = New Recordset
Con2.Open "update data set jam='" & ME1.Text & "',suara='" & PT2.Text & "' where hari='" & Combo1.Text & "' and uraian= '" & PT1.Text & "'", db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
PushButton2.Caption = "Ubah"
LoadData Tutup Bersih PushButton7.Enabled = False End If
If Id = 103 Then
Me.Enabled = True If Combo1.Text = "Senin" Then Urutan = "01" If Combo1.Text = "Selasa" Then Urutan = "02" If Combo1.Text = "Rabu" Then Urutan = "03" If Combo1.Text = "Kamis" Then Urutan = "04" If Combo1.Text = "Jumat" Then Urutan = "05" If Combo1.Text = "Sabtu" Then Urutan = "06" If Combo1.Text = "Minggu" Then Urutan = "07"
Set Con2 = New Recordset
Con2.Open "insert into data (hari,uraian,jam,suara,urt) values ('" & Combo1.Text & "','" & PT1.Text & "','" & ME1.Text & "','" & PT2.Text & "','" & Urutan & "')", db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic PushButton1.Caption = "Tambah"
Tutup Bersih PushButton7.Enabled = True End If
If Id = 102 Then
Me.Enabled = True If Combo1.Text = "Senin" Then Urutan = "01" If Combo1.Text = "Selasa" Then Urutan = "02" If Combo1.Text = "Rabu" Then Urutan = "03" If Combo1.Text = "Kamis" Then Urutan = "04" If Combo1.Text = "Jumat" Then Urutan = "05" If Combo1.Text = "Sabtu" Then Urutan = "06" If Combo1.Text = "Minggu" Then Urutan = "07"
Set Con2 = New Recordset
Con2.Open "insert into data (hari,uraian,jam,suara,urt) values ('" & Combo1.Text & "','" & PT1.Text & "','" & ME1.Text & "','" & PT2.Text & "','" & Urutan & "')", db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic PushButton1.Caption = "Tambah"
Tutup Bersih PushButton7.Enabled = True PushButton1_Click End If
If Id = 101 Then
End End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()