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Mahasiswa Program studi Ilmu Komputer UHO



Ilmu Sosbud

Recognition System (Ringkasan Materi Pertemuan 21 September 2022)

24 September 2022   10:01 Diperbarui: 24 September 2022   10:08 104
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The system is a collection or set of elements, components or variables that are organized interact with each other, depend on each other and are integrated (Sutardi 2012).

While recognition is an introduction. Recognition is a non-competitive achievement achieved by students at a higher education institution where recognition is given by the government, community, organization, or society, in addition, recognition is also given to higher education institutions.

The process of a system consists of:

1. Text

2. Images are commonly called digital images

3. Voice

Pixel is a unit in a digital image.

Kinds of Image:

a. Binary image

b. Gray Image

c. Color image.

  1. 1
  2. 2
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