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"Melihat kadar kesuksesan orang lain hanya akan membuatmu kelelahan. Ciptakan sendiri standarmu."



Ilmu Sosbud

Price: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value

15 Januari 2023   21:25 Diperbarui: 15 Januari 2023   21:42 434
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

prices at the retail level is daily low prices

(EDLP), that is, lower prices for the same

service and quality.

Price based on added value

This strategy claims. Instead of lowering

their prices to match the competition, they

must add additional features and services to

differentiate their offerings and drive up

prices. C. Business and Product Expenses.

Pricing policy

Determine the price of new products (New

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