"oh, itu sebabnya sampe kayak gini lo?"
"gak juga sih! hehe"
Sejak saat itu we are getting closer than anyone else. We are like bro-sis, best friend but it close to a couple. Still, til now, we don't really know what we should called, best friend? or more ...
We just end up like this, like We used to be from that time til now,
For almost 4 years, We are together, sometime We fight, We laugh, We cry, We talkin' with eachother, makin' abuse eachother but We still together
Sekarang, di umur kita yang ke 23 kita berdiri menghadap satu sama lain make one decision untuk melanjutkan hidup kita atau hidup gue dan dia.
"Gael, lo mau jadi apa kelak?"
"mungkin ahli kimia, lo bilang gue punya potensi kan?
"ilmuan gitu? kayak Banner?"
"ya engga lah, seenggaknya gue gak mau jadi hulk, haha"