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Vilya Lakstian
Vilya Lakstian Mohon Tunggu... pelajar/mahasiswa -

Penulis adalah Dosen Linguistik di Jurusan Sastra Inggris dan Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa IAIN Surakarta, Akademi Bahasa Asing Harapan Bangsa, dan International Hospitality Center. Selain mengajar mahasiswa, dia juga mengajar untuk staff hotel, pelayaran, dan pramugari. Penulis adalah lulusan Pascasarjana Prodi Linguistik Deskriptif di Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta dan Sarjana Sastra Inggris konsentrasi Linguistik di IAIN Surakarta. Penulis aktif dalam penelitian dan kajian sosial. Penulis juga sering menulis untuk media massa, dan penelitian untuk jurnal. Dalam berbagai kajian bahasa yang telah dilakukannya, linguistik sistemik fungsional menjadi topik yang sering dibahas dan dikembangkan.




How the World Has Changed to Grab You into Problems

22 November 2015   20:04 Diperbarui: 22 November 2015   20:04 82
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

This discussion was found when I and my friend talked about numerous problems surprisingly increased in the world nowadays. We then thought, where are our positions among them? It looks that the world conspires to take us in a super "vortex". Imagine that you are swimming. Then, there is a high flow taking you to get part of it. If you are panic, you can't control your movement to get out. Even, you are trapped deeper.

So, what should you do? Last week, I found article explaining how to do for escaping from grabbing mud. A month ago, when smokes attacked this country because of high number of forest burning together in the same time, most media showed how to survive and to save with the smokes around us. Some inventions were found and useful requirements were produced massively for helping people. Then, those people finally faced the condition with calm along with the products. They were forced to adapt with addition which was strange than usual. They tried to befriend with such condition.

Online? You will find worse. Social media blow up controversial phenomena; and sometimes provocative only for attracting viewers and clickers. Haters, worriers, and arrogants have taken place.

Observing those facts, we have a decision that the world have changed in viewing problems. Long time ago, people were protective. They wanted to have far away from problems. They tended to aware for being not caught in enigma.

Today, the world can be represented as the vortex : a mass of spinning flow taking you inside (I mention this term along this article). The world, we are living in, is united by elements including humans and other creatures. The interrelationship of them creates challenging stage. You, problem, and world work simultaneously together. Modern age stimulates more chaotic issues. Humans' needs, ideologies, emotions, and problems become more complicated, unlike our ancestors who had lighter issues to encounter.  

Motivators mostly strengthen people to be calm and wise to face problems. That is. Because problem is part of life, then we try to live harmonically with it. Befriend. As it is our life too, we have been in the vortex. And we struggle with it. Strategies, tips, and tricks we learn are the ways to encounter problems.

Getting Out of Comfort Zone Means Entering New Vortex

While talking about "out of comfort zone", actually, we also have struggled with vortex. Saying comfort zone means that you had really conquered the vortex you fought. After that, you want to have new level or challenge. New zone refers to new vortex as well. You will face new persons, things, issues, and natures which have completely upgraded.

It is now not just the time for preventing problems, even chaos. Everywhere “has conspired” to take you to be part in. Be brave and wise, always to deal with them.

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