Important vocabularyÂ
- Fresh Graduate: baru lulus kuliahÂ
- Experience: pengalamanÂ
- Responsible for: bertanggung jawab atasÂ
- Various aspects: berbagai aspekÂ
- Primary responsibility: tugas utamaÂ
- The company saw 12% increase in profits: keuntungan perusahaan meningkat sebesar 12%Â
- I am interested in a more challenging role: saya tertarik dengan posisi yang lebih menantangÂ
- Develop my skills: meningkatkan keterampilan sayaÂ
- Bachelor's degree:Â S1/sarjana
- Master's degree: S2/magisterÂ
- Doctoral degree: S3/doktorÂ
- Associate degree:Â D1/D2/D3
- Persiapkan diri untuk follow-up questionsÂ
Kemungkinan besar interviewer mu akan menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lanjutan berdasarkan jawaban yang kamu berikan. Contohnya, dari jawaban di atas, beberapa pertanyaan lanjutan yang mungkin kamu dapat diantaranya:Â
- What do you do to research target audience?
- How do you decide on what topic/subject to write about?
- How do you decide the tone of your writing?
- How do you integrate SEO into your content?
- What content management systems are you familiar with?
Persiapkan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan lanjutan ini sehingga kamu tidak kebingungan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut saat interview.Â
- Persiapan untuk menutup interviewÂ
Ada beberapa cara yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk menutup interview. Idealnya, gabungkan beberapa cara di bawah ini:Â
- Ucapkan terima kasih kepada interviewer untuk waktunyaÂ
Thank you for your time, it was a pleasure speaking with you. I am looking forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any additional information or have any concerns.Â
- Tegaskan kembali mengapa kamu adalah kandidat terbaik untuk posisi ini
I am qualified for the role of human resources assistant because of my timeliness and problem -- solving skills. As an intern at a media outlet, I was in charge of making presentations for executives and planning meetings with prominent public figures. During my time there, I helped the department task completion by 15%, and I believe I can do the same at this organisation.
- Tegaskan kembali passion mu untuk posisi iniÂ
I am really keen to work in this organisation. I have always wanted to work in a non-profit organisation and I have my eyes on this particular organisation due to its focus on environmental preservation while also giving underprivileged women the opportunity to work and gain living wages, all while sustaining the traditional craftsmanship to dye clothes. I hope I can grow with this organisation.Â
- Ajukan pertanyaan -- hal ini membuatmu terkesan semangat dan memiliki inisiatifÂ