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Kutipan Percakapan Romantis

1 Mei 2021   22:14 Diperbarui: 1 Mei 2021   22:30 269
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Dalam mini seri Sanditon (2019) ada beberapa pasangan yang percakapannya bisa menjadi satu ide kutipan atau quotes tentang cinta. Yang jelas, mereka menunjukkan bahwa cinta tidak selalu indah, ada juga penolakan dan pertengkaran. Bahkan cinta tak selalu harus bersatu, spoiler nih.

Semua kutipan dalam Bahasa Inggris, ya, supaya asli konteksnya dan sekalian belajar Bahasa Inggris. Apalagi penulisnya Jane Austen, dengan tatanan bahasa yang yahud pula! Silakan dicoba pada pasangan Anda kalau cocok!

1. Konteks: Esther tidak suka dengan Babington yang mengejar-ngejarnya.
Esther Denham: Babington, why do you persist when you are treated with so little civility?
Lord Babington: Perhaps, it's the fascination of what's difficult. All I know, the more I see you and the more nonchalantly you reject my advances, the more intense my desire for you grows.

2. Konteks: Sidney sebelumnya tidak suka dengan perilaku Charlotte, namun akhirnya melayangkan pujian. Iya, memang aneh, extraordinary.
Sidney Parker: Miss Heywood, I wonder if I might persume to ask a favour?
Charlotte Heywood: ... of me?
Sidney: Extraordinary as it might sound, I do believe you're better positioned than almost everyone.

3. Konteks: Sidney menerima perilaku Charlotte.
Charlotte Heywood: I thought you considered me to be a bad influence.
Sidney Parker: Well, is it conceivable that we've had each other wrong?

4. Konteks: Sedang piknik di hamparan bunga ungu yang dipilih Otis.
Georgiana Lambe: I cannot imagine a lovelier spot.
Otis Molyneux: They're not as lovely without you in it.

5. Konteks: Young menemani Charlotte berjalan-jalan di pantai.
Charlotte Heywood: Forgive me, Mr Stringer, I've been your own poor company.
Young Stringer: On the contrary, Miss. After the day I had, a walking companiable silence was just what I needed.

6. Konteks: Masih Young menemani Charlotte berjalan-jalan di pantai.
Young Stringer: I  wouldn't wish for you to change. Not for the world.
Charlotte Heywood: Thank you, Mr Stringer, let's hope all men would be like you.

7. Konteks: Charlotte melihat ada banyak cewek mengagumi Young.
Charlotte Heywood: You seem to have gathered several admirers already.
Young Stringer: I hope you're among them.
Charlotte Heywood: Ask me again, once I've seen you play.

8. Konteks: Esther masih tidak suka dengan Babington yang mengejar-ngejarnya.
Esther Denham: I'm starting to find you a slightly better company.
Lord Babington: I've never met anyone else who can give a compliment in such a way as it might also an insult.

9. Konteks: Babington akan melamar Esther.
Esther Denham: It's getting cold, Lord Babington. We should go back.
Lord Babington: I cannot go back. I am compeled to go forward.

10. Konteks: Charlotte membantu Sidney memenangkan cricket walau masih bermusuhan.
Charlotte Heywood: Was that a smile I detected?
Sidney Parker: Oh, I doubt it. (smiling)

11. Konteks: Otis mencoba meraih kepercayaan Georgiana kembali.
Otis Molyneux: I boasted of you. Of your wit. Of your beauty. Because I couldn't believe that a man of my birth could win the heart of a woman like you.

12. Konteks: Sidney dan Charlotte rebutan minta maaf.
Charlotte Heywood:Mr parker, I owe you an apology.
Sidney Parker: I do not accpet your apology.
Charlotte Heywood: Why not?
Sidney Parker: Because I'm the one should apologise. I have done you a great discourtesy, Miss Heywood.

13. Konteks: Chalotte minta ijin pulang dari pesta tapi Sidney mempertanyakan mengapa harus ijin dia.
Charlotte Heywood: I'm too headstrong. Too opinionated. And too ...
Sidney Parker: No, you're not "too" anything. You're more than equal to any woman here.

14. Konteks: Charlotte berbagi cerita dengan Susan tentang Sidney.
Charlotte Heywood: He inspires an anger in me I did not know I possessed. And yet I find that his good opinion means more to me than anybody's else's. How can that be?
Susan: It sounds to me as if you're in love with him.

15. Konteks: Sidney mengajak Charlotte berdansa.
Charlotte Heywood: You did not have to ask me, you know, out of politeness.
Sidney Parker: It is what people do at dances, is it not? Dance. Unless, you'd rather not.
Charlotte Heywood: No, it's only there are so many other ladies here that you could ask.
Sidney Parker: But I don't want to dance with them.

16. Konteks: Sidney mencoba memberi tanda pada Charlotte bahwa dia tidak akan kembali pada cinta lamanya.
Sidney Parker: A man cannot step into the same river twice. Have you ever heard that?
Charlotte Heywood: For he is not the same man and it is not the same river. It's Heraclitus.
Sidney Parker: Of course, you'd know that.

17. Konteks: Sidney menyampaikan perasaannya pada Charlotte.
Sidney Parker: I am a great deal less than perfect. You've made me all too well aware of that. But whatever it's worth I believe I'm my best self, my truest self, when I'm with you.

18. Konteks: Lady Denham bertemu Esther yang baru saja pulang dari kencan dengan Babington.
Lady Denham: You should marry that young man.
Esther Denham: No, he's a fool. He is a fool if he cannot see I am not worth having. He is a fool if he ever thinks I can love him as he loves me.
Lady Denham: It is infinitely better to be loved than to love expecially in a marriage.

19. Konteks: Sidney dan Babington membicarakan Esther, lalu Sidney teringat Charlotte.
Lord Babington: I find myself quite captivated.
Sidney Parker: You're the one who tamed her, didn't you?
Lord Babington: I believe she tamed me.
Sidney Parker: Yes, I just imagine how that might feel. 

20. Konteks: Charlotte berkonsultasi dengan Mary bila dilamar.
Charlotte heywood: How did you know that he was the one?
Mary Parker: Oh, I think one just does.

21. Konteks: Sidney akan melamar Charlotte.
Sidney Parker: I hope I am a different man now.
Charlotte Heywood: No, you're the same man, but much improved.

Pilihan kalimat Jane Austen memang mengagumkan!

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