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Who Said that LGBT People Have Right to Live Equally with Others?

4 Agustus 2016   10:25 Diperbarui: 4 Agustus 2016   11:10 81
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Were you born as a male or a female? Or have you seen a person who was born as a shemale? Well, as a baby was born, there were only two options; a male or a female. No one was born as a shemale. Yesterday, when I read, there was a topic about LGBT or the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. The title was LGBT people have right to live equally with others: Yenny Wahid. It was posted at 11.55 pm on August 2 2016. Well, there were some comments for sure. Include, I myself commented also even my English was not really good. I think expressing what’s on our mind is the right of everyone. 

From August 2, up to now, there were 44 comments. I took 37 comments out of 44 for some used pictures. Well, most of them agreed that LGBT have the same right. 

Here are the comments:

  1. Can we have Miss Yenny as President? - the voice of reason
  2. Let's destroy Indonesia with LGBT!
  3. Sadly the Wahid Foundation doesn't over-ride the NU, MUI or other "Islamic" groups. A rare voice of reason among the hardliners.
  4. Finally, fresh air.
  5. This again proves that as always the problem lies in the fact that there is no single Islam, as it is in the hands of people.
     There is however a multitude of people and groups that all vehemently claim that Islam obviously says or prescribes this or that, but with their actual claims varying pretty wildly.
  6. I'm so happy to hear this. I think My friends there should celebrate. Yayyyyyyyy
  7. So Wahid foundation has agreed to let the disease spread
  8. Wow....
  9. I totally disagree. As the world created, there were two only sexes; man (Adam) and woman (Eve). There was no shemale at that time. Then, no one was born as the lesbian, gay, bisexual. We are normal. So, just follow the rule. A man created to a woman, and otherwise. If, you are in the right way, then, no need to stray. :)
  10. When sickness is normal, there is no cure. more things are coming.
  11. No they need to be in mental hospital
  12. Is it so hard to support Yenny wahid and her stance to make islam more inclusive?
     Indonesia is historically inclusive to LGBT people.
  13. The fifth sila in Pancasila also justifies it. In the end, everyone's welcomed to live :)
  14. Some real Stone Age opinions on here mostly from men, the same men who have been left behind by empowered women and feel angry about it. The same men who spread HIV from prostitutes while their arranged wives are looking after the family.
  15. That's right mam,,,,,
  16. At the end of day, our life is ours, their is theirs. Though what I know is right and normal is that males are meant to love the opposite sex, and vice versa. I won't ever say that lgbt don't deserve to live equally, though. They deserve that as human. Let the sin that they carry be their own responsibility. We don't have the right to differentiate how we act to people based on their sexual orientation. As a person whose belief never agrees to this lgbt thing, I can only hope that those who are in the wrong way can get back to the right one (as the one I believe is right). Let's live in peace.
  17. Ms Yenny is the ray of hope in the sea of despair.
  18. The worst side is woman is always right :v
  19. Everyone are same in front of God. Dont think you are an angel from sky. Dont put your arrogancy on top of everyone. Some Actress have been done Online Prostitution. Did you say they are an angel from sky? They sold their respect to rich man for 3 hours (Rp 10Millions to 500 Millions) in Bed. Dont judge Sexually Deviant. LGBT is more better than sex worker (Actress Online Prostitution). Not only stop Dolly and Kalijodoh but forbidden for some Actress online prostitution to show in all Local TV's/Cinema's. Dont keep public figures without morality. Its bad for young generation to follow them.
  20. You do not represent whole Indonesian Muslim people. Your statement only represent your mind.
  21. I will never understand people, like some of the commenters on here, who are so insecure that they cannot allow others the respect to live their lives as they choose. Live and let live and stop persecuting others because they are different to you. It is a fundamental human right that all people are equal, free to live their lives as they choose, without persecution. When this right is denied to some, it weakens everyone.
  22. "Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first who throw a stone."
     Judge, and you will be judged with the same standard you use on others. Do you think you (I) will pass?
  23. Is that so?
  24. Well, the common notion in Indonesia is: LGBT behaviors are entirely shaped by their surroundings. If you sit with one of those people, you'll somehow "turned" to be like them. It's just a matter of psychology you know.

     Certainly, that's a statement that lacks the proven and legit results which have been produced by progressive countries to understand the LGBT sexual orientation, which btw has existed for a long time. The LGBT people have the right to live undisturbed and not discriminated by the conservative majority. However, let's look at the reality also here. Indonesians in general are still not in favor of having LGBT equality laws to be included within our constitution. It won't happen most likely, given the increasing religious influence the people are exposed to every single day. Let's not jump to conclude also that it's only one religion that is 100% responsible for denouncing the LGBT community. A friend of mine who's a devout Christian, has openly condemned the LGBT people on her social media account. The officials have voiced out their opinions about the issue like preachers of different religions do to their followers, emphasizing on the "bad influence" that the LGBT community poses to children. They simply can't comprehend the fact that LGBT genes exist. The UK did an awful thing in the past (60s as far as i know), in which same-sex relationship was seen as an "indecent" offense. The arrested gay people were forced to take hormonal pills to turn them normal again. But the result was not as planned. A lot committed suicide, including the famous mathematician (Alan Turing) who invented the enigma machine which helped a lot to defeat the Germans during the war.

     Now history aside, how should Indonesia plan to stop the LGBT discrimination? Education. People here are woefully misinformed about the facts surrounding the issue. People should stop making jokes about them (especially at work where i expect some more professional behaviors from the people). Even a friend of mine was disappointed to find out that the company he works for (IBM) supports the equal employment act which includes the LGBT community. Things have to change here, and obviously for the better. Yenny' statement is a start

  25. I'd prefer it if LGBT People were finally treated equally because of human rights and the general assumption that homophobia, racism and such things are wrong, rather then because any religion says it is okay.
  26. You only think about humanity. Can you guys be smart that support LGBT hurt God so much?
  27. Essence of Islam is Sunnah. NOTHING ELSE NOTHING MORE. NO COMPROMISE!
     If u cant comply with it then better ignore it. Dont promote anything not within its principles.
  28. I am not condoning LGBT behavior, but as a matter of fundamental unalienated rights to free from harm, discrimination, & persecution Yes.. .The State is obligated to protect them.
  29. one step forward... good luck
  30. Everyone can choose what religion they want to be,
     No one can choose what born to be
  32. please I hope all LGTB can have help for becoming normal
     If the homosexual community chooses to practice homosexuality in privacy, that is there free choice. But let such persons know for certain that God will judge them unfit for the kingdom of heaven if they continue to practice and openly promote homosexual sex.
  33. Mmm
  34. If agree its mean you are a sick ...
  35. meanwhile apple is releasing LGBT emoji
  36. Yes it is, they have rights in all manner, yet it's harm to legalize the lgbt marriage as it'll ruin the basic terms of marriage from the eastern culture.
  37. Yes agreed however their actions are against fitrah / natural cause are frowned upon by god and we cant condone unless they make every efforts to follow right path..god is forgiving if they do so.
     At the same time as servant of Allah we have to be kind n not hurt or harm them.We all are His creations..Its hard on both but its tests of our patience and understanding..let god do the punishment.I have LGBT friends who changed and now observe the right path...its their friends n people around that helped them with kindness n compassion. We never looked down on them. So it’s the gang they hang out with.

I was the ninth commenter. Well, it attracted some commenters. Most of them supported the LGBT. I replied some for I didn’t have much time to response. Here are the comments that I got: 

1.      People will change their sex world as human are dynamic creature, so please see the fact now, are lesbians or homo abuse our live?

2.     So, LGBT is a no, but incest is okay then?

3.     Wait, it's not a sickness, you fu**wit. Gender and sexuality are two different things. Define 'right way',please! You better read more 'real' books instead of just focusing on a history book claimed to be made by 'God'.

4.     I pray that one day youroffspring turns out to be LGBT. (Setiatmawan Ardi, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan)

5.     You maybe deny their sexuality,but they too have right to live as citizen, have the right for protection as citizen, you can't simply deny their basic right.

6.     What do you mean normal? Define normal!!

7.     How do you know that there were only 2 sexes? Because your Quran or Bible tells you so? This is the problem with Indonesian education system. Too many religious parrots.

8.     But incest is ok for u tri?

9.     LOL... here is another creationism warrior.

10.  To the third commenter, Do not rely on your understanding own ! clearlydisease if somebody having sex abnormalities means not normal ! if not normalmeans ailing !

11.  Tri, You're a fu**ing idiot.

12.  Etc. (somewith pictures)


See, some were not polite even they were educated and knowledgeable persons. Then, to conclude it, I posted my comment.

 “Let’s go to the conclusion. As the LGBT live in Indonesia, they won’t get the same right like others (I’m sorry to say that). In fact, when they want to get married, they, genuinely, intensely, and consistently can’t do it in here for the government only support a marriage of a male and female. It means, they don’t get the same right. "Well, if somebody having sex abnormalities means not normal! If not normal means ailing!"-Terrick Sinaga. GWS forLGBT. Peace.”


So, do you still think the LGBT have the same right? If yes, no need for them to marry outside then.

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