Disini tidak ada pengecualian, termasuk bila yang melanggar aturan adalah Kepala Polisi. Untuk jelasnya silakan baca kutipan dibawah ini:
POLICE Commissioner Chris Dawson has been pinged speeding 9km/h over the limit. He was snapped by a speed camera doing 59km/h in a 50km/h zone  while behind the wheel of his personal vehicle on Plain Street in East Perth on September 28. He was on his way to the National Police Remembrance Day Service at the Police Academy in Joondalup. In a statement released by WA Police on Friday, Mr Dawson said he paid the $100 fine as soon as he received it. There were no demerits points from the incident and he confirmed he has no demerit points on his driver's licence.
"As Commissioner of Police I am very aware of the consequences of speeding and I acknowledge my mistake," Mr Dawson said in the statement
sumber: https://www.perthnow.com.au/
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