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The Beginning of Philosophy Which Occurred in Ancient Greece

23 Desember 2019   00:16 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2019   00:29 6
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Ancient Greek period is called the period of natural philosophy. Because in this period is Characterized by the emergence of the experts think of nature, in the which the direction and attention

His thoughts to what was observed in the vicinity. They made inquiries about the natural phenomenon that is the philosophy of philosophical (by reason think) and not based on myth.

After the 6th century BC Appeared a number of experts think that opposes the myth. They want Reviews their wife's questions about the universe, the answer is an acceptable reason (rational). Circumstances such as a methodological, meaning a revival of thought to use reasonable thought and leave the things that are methodological. Effort experts thought to lead to a freedom of thought, then a lot of people trying to create a concept that is based on the power of reason thought it pure, there arises a miraculous event the Greek Miracle meaning it can serve as the foundation of the world civilization.

In the history of philosophy Greek philosophy is usually advanced as the base of the history of western philosophy, Because The western world (Europe West) in her mind's thinking stems to Greece. At that time there were descriptions of the universe as well as the occupants, but this description is based on trust. Experts think not satisfied with the information it then tried to find information through its ethics. They ask and find the answer Whether in fact that nature. Is the essence? Maybe multicolour which exist in this universe can be sent back to that one. They are looking for natural core, with the term: they are looking for natural arches (arches in the Greek language, the which means beginning, origin).

1. The Greek nation that is rich in myth (fairy tales), where the myth is regarded as the beginning of the undertakings of the people to know or understand. The myths are then arranged systematically for a while seemingly rational, so it appears selective and rational myths, such as Homer's poem, Orpheus and others.

2. Greek literary works that DAPT is regarded as the driving-born Greek philosophy, Homework has a very important position to guide the lives of Reviews those Greeks that Contain educational values.

3. Effect of sciences of Babylon (Egypt) in the valley of the Nile, then thanks to the ability and skill In These sciences were developed so that they learn not only shares based on the practical aspects, but Also the theoretical aspects of the creative.

1) Thales (624-546 BC)

People Miletus was dubbed the "Father of Philosophy" Because he was the one who was given Initially philosopher.  Because of the degree, he asked a question that is very basic, the which is rarely noticed, Also people today: "What is the nature of the world stuff ? ' (Mayer, 1950: 18) What exactly is the universe?. Regardless of the answer, this question just has to lift his own name to the philosopher first. The answer is actually very simple, yet complete as that raised new questions of what water? Thales take water as a source of the universe perhaps Because he saw it as something that is very Necessary in life, and in his opinion this buymi floating on water (Mayer, 1950: 18).

Of the Thales statement it is known that something that simple could cause the questions are very complex.

2) Anaximander (610-546 BC)

Theophrastus describe as the successor and disciple of Thales. Such as Thales, apparently Anaximander Also a mix between astrologers, geology, mathematics, physics and philosopher. According Agathemerus, the first to dare to draw the world uninhabited above tablet. One of the fragments of the book the which is said to have (about nature).

Anaximander found objects forming the original world is apeiron, a substance that has no boundaries or definition. He explained apeiron as something that surrounds everything indefinitely and Also as something roommates all the creatures of the sky and the world Therein: earth, water, fire, and water somehow moved by the infinite substance.

Anaximander Believed that the Earth is round cylindrical shape, depth is one-third of its width so that the earth like a drum. According Anaximander earth is not supported by anything, but Werner at the same distance from all objects. He also Believes that the first living creature born in the moisture inherent in the wood thorny skin and then progressing organic life.

3) Anaximenes (585-528 BC)

Is the third of the trio of philosophers known as Milesian. He is thought to flapped around 540 BC and he was a pupil of Anaximander. As Anaximander, Anaximenes found the first principle of all things is infinite. He stated that the first principle is conditioned Because the water covering the whole of nature and human life makes the basis for the which is required by the breath.

Anaximenes taught that the earth was flat and floated in the water, that the stars are planted like a nail in the crystal and heavenly bodies moving around the earth as if like a hat that circled our heads. He also explained that the earthquake Refers to the selection of earth exchange between dry and wet. Aetius stated that he had said the sun was flat like a leaf and all celestial bodies such as the fire but have earth Reviews These objects between objects.

4) Pythagoras (571-496 BC)

He is a mathematician and mystic, was born in Samos, an island near the Ionian coast, but spent most of his life in Croton (southern Italy). Aristotle said that Pythagoras Believed that numbers instead of elements such as water and water is the principle of all things: the modification of the numbers in such a way be justice, the other being the soul and reason, another into an opportunity and just as almost everything else in numbers can be explained.

Figures, for Pythagoras is material, meaning the cosmos. He argued that even and odd jointly produce unity and unity that generates numbers that are the source of all things.

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