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Tesalonika Mantik
Tesalonika Mantik Mohon Tunggu... Girl

Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado




The Moral Value in Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil

13 April 2022   09:08 Diperbarui: 13 April 2022   10:44 2532
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Film. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Martin Lopez

(Goldman and Kim, 1978). Moral value in the Maleficent film include parental affection for children, sincerity of love, and teaching that we should not easily trust others.

From the results of research on the moral values of the film Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil, the author finds the problem that will be raised in the discussion, namely what are the moral values that we encounter in the film.  Therefore, the aim of this research is to describe and analyze the moral values contained in Maleficent 2.

Research design
In this study the author uses qualitative research because this research is not in the form of numbers but this research is in the form of descriptions and words and sentences. 

Qualitative research is defined as a methodology that provides tools for understanding in-depth meanings related to complex phenomena and processes in the practice of social life (Denzin and Lincoln quoted by Brady: 2015).

Meanwhile, according to Oun and Bach (2014), qualitative method is a method for testing and answering questions about how, what, when, where, and why someone acts in a certain way on a specific problem.

Method of collecting data
In this data collection method, the writer only watched the film repeatedly in order to get good results for this research. This study uses the observation method so that this study gets good results.

Data analysis
In analyzing the data, the writer watched the film repeatedly so that he could understand the content of the story, the writer also understood the plot of the story and knew the actors and their respective characters. The author also gets moral messages related to everyday life from this film. Then the author raised the moral messages contained in this film to be the title of the author's research.

From the results of research using qualitative research, we find the moral messages contained in this story.  The moral message is in the form of learning that we can take to be our teaching material in everyday life.  In the film Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil, which tells of an evil fairy, it gives many life lessons.

 The love of parents for their children
This maleficent story shows that not all adoptive parents are evil in the eyes of people or their children.  Maleficent is a mother who is able to educate her child to be a good person, Maleficent has a wise heart to make decisions for her child's life.  Even though Maleficent is a notorious evil person, she has a very kind heart and a very high affection for her child.

 Willing to sacrifice
 In entering the ending in the film, we can see that Prince Philip's mother, Queen Ulstead, wants to do evil to Aurora who is Maleficent's son and also the lover of her child.  Queen Ulstead wants Aurora dead and Maleficent comes to save Aurora, but the Queen throws a powder that has been mixed by a creature in the secret room of the Ulstead Kingdom.  

This powder can make the Moors become lost.  When Maleficent comes to save Aurora Queen Ulstead shoots and instantly Maleficent turns to ashes.  From this story, it can be learned that the sacrifice of a mother for her child and in the film, is willing to sacrifice, we often meet.

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