Relocating Civil Servants to the New Capital of Nusantara: Strategies and Considerations
Indonesia's plan to relocate its capital from Jakarta to the new city of Nusantara has sparked various discussions and proposals regarding the relocation of civil servants. This research paper explores three potential schemes for relocating civil servants to the new capital city.
The first scheme, as outlined in the prompt, involves a screening process based on institutional needs and the availability of housing (Kamal, 2022; Farida, 2021). This approach focuses on aligning the relocation of civil servants with the institutional requirements and the capacity to accommodate them in the new capital.
The second scheme suggests that 5% of the 40,021 new civil service positions at central government agencies be allocated for affirmative action, targeting individuals from East Kalimantan. Nusantara is located in this province (Azhar et al., 2020). This initiative aims to provide opportunities for residents and promote inclusive development in the region.
The third scheme explores the potential for transferring employees from local governments surrounding the new capital city (Kamal, 2022). This approach could leverage the existing workforce in the region and facilitate a smoother transition of civil servants to the new administrative centre.
The relocation of the Indonesian capital presents both challenges and opportunities. While the government's goals include addressing regional disparities and promoting equitable development (Kamal, 2022), the process must also consider the concerns raised by various stakeholders, such as the environmental impact and the potential abandonment of Jakarta (Azhar et al., 2020).
The success of the capital relocation will depend on the practical implementation of these proposed schemes and the broader regional planning considerations, including institutional, spatial, economic, social, and environmental aspects (Farida, 2021). As the government moves forward with this ambitious project, it is crucial to carefully weigh the implications and ensure a balanced and sustainable approach to relocating civil servants.
Azhar, H N., Fatima, H H P., & Tamas, I N. (2020, January 1). Preliminary study of indonesia capital city relocation based on disaster mitigation principle with mental model approach. EDP Sciences, 148, 06002-06002.
Farida, F. (2021, August 31). Indonesia's capital city relocation: A perspective of regional planning. Jambi University, 9(3), 221-234.
Kamal, M A. (2022, June 22). Prospects for the New Capital City Policy in Law and Economic Perspectives. , 5(1), 86-86.
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