Koruptor itu tidak takut dipenjara, mereka tidak takut nama baiknya hancur. Mereka juga tidak peduli karirnya hancur. Apalagi dosa. Alamak. Seujung kuku mereka tak hirau.
Pidana badan apalah itu. Kecil. Jangan sampai kalian tahu sebenarnya satu kelemahan mereka. Yaitu koruptor takut hidup miskin. Makan nasi aking, pakai kerupuk dan air. Tidak punya rumah, tidak ada kartu, tidak ada tempat berkelindan dengan siasat mencuri uang rakyat.
Jika perampasan aset hadir, sudahlah. Habis kikis lini pertahanan koruptor. Mereka akan mati seperti wereng tercelup pestisida. Tidak ada modus tukar koper di pesawat dan lainnya. Semua akan ditelusuri dan mereka akan mati. Langkah mereka sempit dan napas mereka sakaratulmaut.
Penelusuran, penyitaan dan pemblokiran aset hasil tipu-tipu uang rakyat bisa dijalankan. KPK akan semakin tajam menyelam. Pihak-pihak eksekutif dan legislatif yang sengaja menggagalkan RUU Perampasan Aset, sadarkah bahwa kepentinganmu di dunia hanya sementara. Ingatlah, ketika tiba masa pengadilan tiba. Mulut dustamu tidak lagi berguna. Camkan itu.
Corruptors are not afraid of being jailed, they are not afraid of destroying their good name. They also do not care that his career was destroyed. Especially sin. Alamak. The tip of their nails do not care.
What corporal punishment is that? Small. Don't let you know one of their weaknesses. Namely corruptors are afraid of living in poverty. Eat aking rice, use crackers and water. There is no house, no cards, no place to hang out with the stratagem of stealing people's money.
If asset seizure is present, so be it. Completely erode the corrupt line of defense. They will die like leafhoppers soaked in pesticides. There is no mode of exchanging luggage on planes and others. All will be traced and they will die. Their steps are narrow and their breath is dying.
Tracing, confiscating and blocking assets resulting from deception by people's money can be carried out. The KPK will dive even sharper. Executive and legislative parties who deliberately thwarted the Asset Confiscation Bill, do you realize that your interests in the world are only temporary. Remember, when the time of judgment comes. Your lying mouth is no longer useful. Bear in mind that.
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