Cyberbullying is one of the crimes that occur in the era of technological development. Although it occurs on social media, the impact experienced by victims is very influential in real life. The impact affects psychology and the social environment and if the victim is still in the world of education, this is very influential on his school life. This phenomenon does not look at certain people, everyone can be affected by cyberbullying.
Many of these cyberbullying actions are based on jokes and pranks, but without realizing it, these actions can become a form of cyberbullying. Furthermore, the research findings regarding people's attitudes when facing the phenomenon of cyberbullying show that people still have little awareness to take decisive action to stop such acts or report such acts. In addition, our lack of knowledge about the phenomenon of cyberbullying is also one of the reasons why this behavior is still so prevalent.
Seeing the many cases of cyberbullying, including the cases that befell Sulli, Megan Meier, and VM, should be able to make social media users realize that social media activities used inappropriately can result in mental death and damage one's life. Therefore, self-awareness when using social media is very important to prevent cyberbullying. Social media users need to think clearly, listen to different points of view, and refrain from judging.
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