3. Jujurly
The word jujurly used by the user is a new form of adjective that was born due to the mixing of English and Indonesian. This word means honestly or sejujurnya in Indonesian. It can be seen from this fact that 'Jaksel language' is not only unique but also creates new vocabulary in the languages.
4. Otw
Otw stands for on the way which in Indonesian means dalam perjalanan. In that post, the sender provides information that his writer is on his way home. Based on this post, it can be concluded that apart from increasing self-confidence and ability in using English, "Jaksel language" can also make sentences shorter.
5. POV
POV stands for Point of View which means sudut pandang in Indonesian. This term is usually used to signify the point of view that an author uses in their writing, whether it is first, second, or third person. In "Jaksel language" POV is used to invite the audience to understand the angle presented by the creator. In this post, the sender defines POV as a situation or moment during an action.
Based on our analysis, We found some peculiarities in the use and structure of the "Jaksel language" such as the following words and abbreviations.
Prefer, which means to lebih memilih in Indonesian, This word is used to ask or state something better to choose.
Even, which means bahkan in Indonesian, this word is used to express strengthening of a sentence.
Jujurly is a new vocabulary from mixing Indonesian and English, which meaning is honestly or sejujurnya
Otw stands for on the way which means dalam perjalanan in Indonesian.
Pov standar for point' of view which means sudut pandang in Indonesia, often interpreted as moment or situasi ketika sesuatu terjadi.
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