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The Unique of Jaksel Language for Encouraging English Skill

21 Juli 2024   20:59 Diperbarui: 21 Juli 2024   21:08 174
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Get to know the unique of the "Jaksel language" to improve your English skills!

Annisa Nurwulan, Annissa Nurhasanah, Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus
Psychology faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

The rapid development of the times triggers a variety of language style changes in society. In addition, an important function of using language, both orally and in writing, is to make it easier for others to understand the information conveyed. "Bahasa Jaksel" is one of the language variations that has developed as a trend among teenagers. The mixing of English and Bahasa Indonesia in "Jaksel language" is considered a unique form of creativity among teenagers. Therefore, this popular article will analyze the uniqueness of English in "Jaksel language" on X app so that generation z can improve their English skills. This article uses a qualitative approach with a purposive sampling method. From the analysis, we found some unique words in "Jaksel language". The uniqueness of the word is in the form of double meaning, sentence ineffectiveness, mistakes in interpreting words, and even new vocabulary that does not match the structure of English and Indonesian.
Keywords: Jaksel Language, Improving English Proficiency, X User, Generation Z

As time progresses, each generation is always dominated by a variety of language styles. For example, generation z is currently dominated by a language style called "Jaksel language". The use of "Jaksel language" by generation z can be easily found in various social media, one of which is X. Thus, it is not surprising that "Jaksel language" is increasingly popular among generation z. According to (Adristy in Rizka, et al, 2021) this phenomenon has actually started a long time ago among some groups of society, but now it is becoming more widespread because more people are using and becoming a new language culture, both in direct conversation and through mobile media in the form of chat or telephone as an effort to gain social prestige in a conversation.
In "Jaksel language", Generation Z mixes Indonesian and English. This makes "Jaksel language" considered bad by most people because it can lead to misunderstandings in interpreting the meaning of sentences composed with "Jaksel language". Those who oppose the use of "Jaksel language" want everyone to stop using "Jaksel language". We don't agree that it should be stopped---according to Dennis, an American vlogger and instragamer, mixing two languages ("Jaksel language") has positive values, one of which is that it can increase the courage to speak English---because "Jaksel language" is an example of a unique language that can improve English language skills for its users.
In this article, we choose to analyze the uniqueness of "Jaksel language" through social media users, especially X, because social media has a considerable share in spreading the use of "Jaksel language" especially among teenagers. In its development (Puspita, et al., 2022) stated that the use of "Jaksel language" can improve English language skills. According to the results of research conducted on users of "Jaksel language", (Wicaksono, et al., 2022) English is an international language so that "Jaksel language" is considered appropriate for improving English language skills. (Balqis, et al., 2023.) also stated that "Jaksel language" became an existence for some teenagers who used it because they considered that using "Jaksel language" which contained a mixture of English elements would make their appearance as users of "Jaksel language" look like people who were proficient in speaking English. This is in line with research (Yuzdazahra, in Rizka, et al., 2021) that many students who return from studying abroad are accustomed to using English while studying there, resulting in language mixing when they return to Indonesia because they are still carried away by habits abroad, so that by using "Jaksel language" someone will be considered more intellectual.  This is good and shows the rapid development of science, culture and language. "Jaksel language" is expected to be a tool to adapt to the technological developments and demands of the times.Therefore, in order to improve English skills, through this article we will provide an understanding of the unique use of "Jaksel language" through analyzing the use of "Jaksel language" among generation z, especially those who using app X.

Literature review
A. Definition of Language
According to Syamsuddin (1986) language can be understood in two senses.
Language is a tool used to shape thoughts and feelings, desires and actions, a tool used to influence and be influenced.
Language is a clear sign of good and bad personality, a clear sign of family and nation, a clear sign of humanity.
From these two definitions, it can be understood that language reflects a person's thoughts, feelings, personality, and even humanity. Language can be expressed through speech and writing. Through writing, information, ideas, and knowledge can be preserved and spread from one generation to the next. Thus, language as writing plays a key role in communication and information delivery in society.

B. Definition of "Jaksel language"
According to Nurhasanah (2014) "slang" is a language style that is the development and modification of various languages so that it does not have a definite language structure, which makes listeners who are not native speakers have difficulty understanding it. Balqis, et al (2023) also said that the use of diverse languages due to social factors will give birth to language variations. With this language variation comes slang, slang is generally used in urban environments. There are many variations and differences of slang depending on the city where someone lives. Among the language variations born in slang is "Jaksel language". Rusydah (2020) stated that "Jaksel language" is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that emerged in September 2018, namely the merging and repetition of Indonesian and English for reasons of language pride, social demands, and enriching vocabulary. In her research, Rusydah found that the English used in "Jaksel language" is divided into several subgroups, such as, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, verbs, acronyms, repetition of words and phrases, and untranslatable words. It is called "Jaksel language" because it first appeared in the South Jakarta area, then spread to become a trend and existence for teenagers, especially on social media.

This article aims to analyze the unique of the "Jaksel language" by using a qualitative approach of descriptive analysis to describe the data. According to Sugiyono (2017) descriptive analysis is data analysis by describing or illustrating the data that has been collected as it is without the intention of making conclusions that apply to the general public. The population of this report is the generation Z who use "Jaksel language" especially in X application. The reason X app users were chosen as the object of research is because X is a writing-based app that is favored by teenagers to adults to convey ideas, information, and discussions that function for the political, social, and cultural world.

Result and finding
1. Prefer

The word prefer when translated into Indonesian is lebih memilih. The word prefer is used to ask a better option to choose. In that post, the sender asked readers what accent they would use between British accent and American accent if they were to speak English. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of "Jaksel language" can improve the writer's English language skills and can also make the writer confident to ask questions with English vocabulary.

2. Even

The word even when translated into Indonesian is bahkan. Even is a word used to express strengthening of a sentence. In that post, the sender reinforced that even his bestie could not support the author, even though the sender needed someone who could support him. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of "Jaksel language" can vary the vocabulary chosen to compose a sentence.

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