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Ilmu Sosbud

Indonesia's Loss in Tiger Tank Cooperation (Turkey)

9 Januari 2024   01:06 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2024   18:21 312
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Indonesia and Turkey can minimize losses in Tiger Tank cooperation by increasing technology transfer between the two countries. This can be done by involving PT Pindad more actively in the production process in Turkey, so that it can gain wider knowledge and skills in tank manufacturing. In addition, Indonesia can also strengthen defense technology research and development cooperation with Turkey, so that it can gain access to the latest technology in tank manufacturing.

In terms of international relations, there are several disadvantages of cooperation between Indonesia and Turkey to make Tiger Tanks. One very important aspect is that there was no significant technology transfer from Turkey to Indonesia. The production of the tank was done entirely in Turkey, and PT Pindad was not fully involved in the design of the tank when it was delivered to Indonesia. This suggests that the expected transfer of technological know-how and capabilities may not have occurred in a meaningful way maximum. This could compromise Indonesia's defense forces, increase its dependence on Turkey, and even cause national security problems.

The economic impact is also a serious concern. The relatively high production cost of medium tanks, ranging from 150 to 300 billion rupiah per tank, could be a burden on Indonesia's defense budget. With only two types of medium tanks that can be produced under the cooperation contract, the relatively low production despite the high contract value could add to the budget burden without providing sufficient diversification to defense capabilities. This could create additional pressure on Indonesia's defense budget, and uncertainty in the allocation of these funds could be detrimental to national economic stability.

To address these challenges, it is important for Indonesia and Turkey to conduct an in-depth evaluation of the benefits and risks of this cooperation. Efforts to improve technology transfer, production diversification, and wise economic management should be the focus so that this cooperation can bring positive impacts to both parties.

Nama saya Pradindha Tasya Irawan, dari Prodi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Akreditas “B” Angkatan 2022. Saya memilih Prodi Hubungan Internasional salah satu daya tarik utama jurusan ini adalah kemampuan untuk berkontribusi pada upaya perdamaian dan keamanan dunia. Kita belajar tentang diplomasi, hubungan diplomatik, dan manajemen konflik, yang dapat mempersiapkan kita untuk berperan dalam menjembatani kesenjangan dan mempromosikan perdamaian di tengah ketegangan internasional. Mata kuliah favorit saya adalah Penghantar Hubungan Internasional dan dosen favoritnya yaitu Ibu LucitaniaRizky. Muhammad Ridha Iswardhana ,S.I.P.,M.A.Hidayat Chusnul Chotimah, S.I.A, M.A. Rencana pemilihan konsentrasi HI, saya memilih Bisnis karena Mempelajari strategi pemasaran yang efektif di tingkat global, termasuk penyesuaian pesan dan produk untuk pasar yang berbeda, serta memahami faktor-faktor budaya dan hukum yang memengaruhi pemasaran internasional.

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