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Tasya DwiyantiAgustin
Tasya DwiyantiAgustin Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - independent woman

life is a choice and i choose to be happy




Mysterious Guys

4 Januari 2022   01:22 Diperbarui: 4 Januari 2022   01:51 122
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Then he confidently responded, "Let me pay for her ticket," as he took a debit card from his wallet. Gabrielle was taken aback and turned to his side, where she look at  the guy from the bottom up, as if he were a stranger to her. She became increasingly impressed with the guy's look. The guy then took Gabrielle's hand and brought her inside the cinema's waiting room. "Next time, be careful so that the same thing doesn't happen, and by the way, are you here alone?" asked the guy. 

While staring Gabrielle in the eyes, the guy said softly. Gabrielle's heart had become increasingly amazed by this guy's attitude, and she enjoyed  talking with him. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I also forgot, it turns out my wallet didn't put it in my slingbag after I filled up the gasoline. I apologize once more for bothering you; i'll change the money later and meet you in the basement. Yes, I'm alone; would you prefer to watch it alone, too?" ---

After a long conversation, the moment to enter the studio come, and Gabrielle said her goodbyes to the guy who was about to enter. Gabrielle was surprised once more by the figure of the guy who walked as if he was about to approach him, after she sat in the chair she chose while waiting for the film to start and for others to fill the seats. 

Surprisingly, the guy  took a seat beside Gabrielle. They were both startled  because they may have been in the same studio and sat on the same bench. They both laughed out loud in wonder and embarrassment because they had never considered it before.

The studio lights began to dim not long after the film began. They had a great time watching the movie while eating the meal they had ordered earlier. After the movie ended, Gabrielle  led the guy to the basement, where she promised to repay the guy's money. The guy did not accept Gabrielle's offer until they were in the Mall lobby, because he was serious and wanted to help Gabrielle. Gabriele was surprised when the guy began to be in a hurry to leave Gabrielle because of some business.

Gabrielle  finally chose to return home and part with the figure of the guy who had become her guardian angel that day. Gabriella considered that day to be the most important of her life because she had previously met the guy, but she had forgotten to ask his name and didn't have time to ask for his telephone number. Gabrielle hopes that one day she will meet this guy again.

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