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Tania Amelinda Hasanah
Tania Amelinda Hasanah Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

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OCEAN 20, A Side Events of the Indonesia G20 Presidency: Realization or Imagination?

25 November 2022   12:33 Diperbarui: 25 November 2022   12:43 435
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As of September 30, 2022, the official website for the 2022 G20 Indonesia presidency issued its press release. The press release relates to "OCEAN 20" commonly abbreviated as O20 - this is one of the side events of the 2022 Indonesia G20 Presidency. With so many problems and threats in marine ecosystems and the environment, will OCEAN 20 be well realized? Or is OCEAN 20 just imagination by hoping that the programs and roles carried out in OCEAN 20 can be realized during environmental issues that are getting worse day by day?

Ocean-20 itself is a policy advocacy activity that can be set on a socio-economic and environmental basis, seeking to restore and sustainably use the oceans and marine resources as blue natural capital now and in the future. Here are the themes for his O20 event at the G20 summit:

"Building Stronger Ocean Prosperity for All" 

(Recover Together, Recover Stronger)

The O20 event itself was attended by 450 guests, including:

  • Representatives of G20 governments and representatives of friendly countries;
  • Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Organizations;
  • Private Sector;
  • Academics and Experts on the topic of the conference.

The topics of the O20 meeting are:

  • Blue Economy;

According to the World Bank, the blue economy is "The ecological use of marine resources to promote economic growth, prosperity, and livelihoods and to preserve marine ecosystems." This blue economy includes several industries such as fishing, renewable energy, tourism, water transportation, waste management, and climate protection. Guided by the concept of sustainability, every sector can contribute to realizing a prosperous Indonesia and the world.

  • Blue Energy;

Blue energy, also known as ocean energy, is a term that describes methods of generating electricity through the convergence of freshwater and seawater. This energy can be obtained in several ways, including tidal power, wave power, thermal energy conversion, and osmosis. This energy can also be harvested by wind forces associated with bodies of water (usually oceans).

The company's environmental benefits and blue energy are invaluable. Both technologies are renewable and emit no greenhouse gases, so harnessing this energy, when possible, can help reduce global warming and other impacts of burning fossil fuels. In addition, blue energy does not take up as much as the energy grid does and does not harm the ecosystem as mining and drilling do.

  • Blue Carbon;

According to an article on the United Nations Foundation's official website, blue carbon is a loose term that refers to the carbon stored in the world's oceans and coastal ecosystems, including salt marshes, mangroves, and seagrass. Like trees, healthy marine and coastal ecosystems absorb and sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Some ocean systems can sequester 10 times more carbon per hectare than forests and it can strengthen the resilience of coastal areas. We should protect this!

  • Blue Food;

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