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Syasya syaa
Syasya syaa Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa





Get to Know About Me

1 September 2024   22:28 Diperbarui: 1 September 2024   22:29 8
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       Hello everyone my name is syasya. You just can call me syasya because my name is so short. I come from bengkalis riau. Ok first of all do you know when i was little i got one a wound on my head. One fact about me is i like listening english song that's why make me want to learn english english. Actually i just like listening music and watching the movie but you know when i try to speak with english it's so hard.

       Ok then i wanna tell you how can i arrived here. So guys when i was in highschool i got an eligible student so i can choose where i can continue my education. Like i was said before i choose this major because i like listening music and watching movie but i think mu skill in english is not good enough so in this major i want to develop my skill and i will do my best in this major. 

I hope someday i will to be a translator maybe because i also like traveling. I also want to have a lot of money because you know i really want to help the other people who really need help. I think when we help each other it makes me feel happy and gratefull.

        Another reason why i choose this major because i can see many opportunities in the future in my life. Like i said before i can be a translator, jurnalist or even work in the big company. So i hope for my self to be able do my best and get what i want and i also have big hopes to become a better person as a student living my college life. 

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