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Ilmu Sosbud Pilihan

Education in Saliwang Banua (Educational Overview in Dining Procedures at The Tulude Ceremony)

21 April 2022   10:01 Diperbarui: 21 April 2022   11:27 244
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

   What is "saliwang banua done" for? That is to be grateful for the generosity of God who has guided the direction and blessed the previous year, and who has allowed us to be in His new year of grace. It is in this awareness of gratitude that "saliwang banpua" is held.  

2. Education.
KBBI : pen*di*dik*an
the process of changing the attitude and behavior of a person or group of people in an effort to mature human beings through teaching and training efforts; process, method, act of educating. Referring to an understanding like this, it needs to be emphasized because existing habits can be lost with time. For this reason, "Saliwang Banua" is always held in order to educate these Millennials.

Writing purpose.
Observing other mentions of "Tulude" is "saliwang banua" which means People's Party, so I am compelled to address the educational value behind the procedure for eating in the ritual, because it clearly contains the behavior of a person or group of sangihe people through eating arrangements at "Saliwang banua".

The true value contained in every "saliwang banua" eating process is well preserved and is opened every year when it is done. This is where the problem is, because of tradition and its purpose, make it done once a year, and when it is done, the values contained are demonstrated in the procession, but are rarely explained, so that the value of education is not read well. 

The purpose of this paper is that these values are exposed to the surface into real wealth in the process of education for the Sangihe community, not limited to a procession at a banquet.

Formulation of the problem
1. How about the pre-serving done?
1). The food menu is prepared by the community from their respective homes. Each family procures materials and processes them with joy to the best of their ability. Usually,
menus made typical of the Sangihe area: Sago, grilled fish, Vegetable gedi / hameng, and tubers (natural), however, nowadays the national menu is often served.

2). Under directly by the family to the ward or place where this traditional event is held or what is called "saliwang banua".
The prepared menu is usually brought directly by the family who made it to the Saliwang Banua location. Everything is done with pleasure, there is a kind of pride to be a part of saliwang banua.

3).Menu cake "Tamo". This one menu is the center of special attention, starting from the way it is made, how to proceed to the location, how to serve it, and the prayer literature when cutting. All treatments in it are full of messages of gratitude and prayers of hope.

2. How about the presentation procession?
1).The menu is served on the table.
2). There is an arrangement and a way of serving
3). People eat from all available tables, because every family can eat from other family tables, other kelurahan and/or other sub-districts.
4). People eat around the table, mingling, in joy. There is a sense of joy when someone eats the food served. At that time, social relations and brotherhood seemed to be strengthened again.
5). Before eating pray together. Thanking the Almighty for all His Blessings for guiding the old year, so that they may be in the new year, and also praying for them to be blessed in the future.

3. Is there anything else to do after the Tulude traditional event is over?
Easter is the usual presentation of the people directly:
1).Clean the environment.
2).Dismantle the tent.
3).Continuing work activities, with socio-society and brotherhood values that have been strengthened again.
"Saliwang banua" is full of universal socio-religious education messages, which should be preserved, including:
1. The value of mutual support
2. The value of serving each other
3. Appreciate value
4. The value of mutual cooperation.
5. The value of brotherhood.

    It is full of religious education background, because "saliwang banua" is motivated by the gratitude of the Sangihe land community for all the graces of God, the Creator of the universe.

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