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Bedah IELTS Writing Task 1: Maps

8 Agustus 2022   14:46 Diperbarui: 8 Agustus 2022   15:08 2317
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Although the southern part of Islip is not designated to see big changes other than some new housing and a shrink in the size of the park, many changes is predicted to happen for the northern area.

A bus station and a parking area are also planned to be built to the west and the east of the shopping centre, respectively.

Contoh 3 (Peta perbandingan 0 dengan banyak)

Dalam tipe maps seperti ini, kalian bisa lihat bahwa di peta sebelum pembangunan tidak ada bangunan sama sekali. Oleh karena itu, makanya perbandingan yang kita lakukan disini adalah perbandingan 0 dengan banyak.

The maps illustrate the condition of an island before and after the construction of several tourist facilities. Overall, the island saw total transformation.

Before construction, the island was empty. After its construction, at center of the island, a reception was built. North of this, a restaurant was constructed to provide food for the visitors of the island. Meanwhile, south of the reception, a pier was added so that the ships can arrive to the island. 

To connect these three areas, a vehicle track was built. On the eastern side of the island, nine bungalows were erected with footpaths connecting to each bungalow. The nine bungalows were constructed in a circular manner. Further east, there are still some areas that are undeveloped. 

Similarly, bungalows were also added on the western part of the island in a similar manner but different in numbers (only six). Further west, at the western tip of the island, a beach can be used for swimming by accessing the footpath from the western bungalows.       

Dalam pengerjaan tipe peta yang seperti ini, ada sedikit perubahan dalam struktur paragraf. Kalian hanya perlu 2 paragraf saja disini. Ini karena, tidak adanya bangunan sama sekali yang bisa kalian jelaskan di peta (before).

 Oleh karena itu, kalian hanya perlu buat satu kalimat saja untuk menjelaskan peta (before) seperti contoh di atas yaitu; "Before construction, the island was empty". Setelah ini, kalian bisa lanjutkan dengan menjelaskan perubahan yang terjadi di peta (after).

Selain itu, perbedaan juga ada dalam penulisan overviewnya. Dikarenakan perubahan yang terjadi dalam peta tipe ini bukanlah perubahan yang banyak melainkan perubahan total maka makna itu harus kalian tunjukkan dalam overview-nya. Contoh:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
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