Perubahan sedikit:
fractionally -- fractional, mildly -- mild, slightly -- slight, slowly -- slow, tediously -- tedious
- Between 1981 and 1986, margarine and butter showed contrasting trends with a slight increase from around 140 grams to 160 for butter while a mild decrease from 90 grams to 80 for margarine.
- In the next 5 years, butter had a significant fall reaching about 100 grams in 1991 while margarine rose considerably to the same number.
- On the other hand, margarine maintained its number during the five-year period.
- During the same period, low fat and reduced spreads was introduced and gained popularity from its introduction having an enormous rise from only 20 grams in 1996 to approximately 70 grams in 2007.
Important language: Language of approximation
Selain dari bahasa yang dijelaskan di atas, ada juga bahasa yang berguna dalam memberikan data, yaitu bahasa perkiraan. Terkadang data yang kalian lihat di graph itu tidak tepat pada angka 50 atau 100. Jadi yang pada umumnya dilakukan adalah mencoba untuk mengira angka pada graph-nya, misal ditulis 52 atau 98 dan seterusnya. Selain cara tersebut, yang bisa dilakukan adalah memberikan bahasa perkiraan.
- Between 1981 and 1986, margarine and butter showed contrasting trends with a slight increase from around 140 grams to 160 for butter while a mild decrease from 90 grams to 80 for margarine.
- In the next 5 years, butter had a significant fall reaching about 100 grams in 1991 while margarine rose considerably to the same number.
- During the same period, low fat and reduced spreads was introduced and gained popularity from its introduction having an enormous rise from only 20 grams in 1996 to approximately 70 grams in 2007.
- It reached its highest point in 2001 with just over 80 grams.
Berikut adalah contoh bahasa perkiraan lainnya yang bisa kalian gunakan;
about, almost, approximately, around, just about, just below, just over, just under, a little more than, a little less than, more or less, nearly, practically the same, roughly, roughly the same, well above, well below
Important language: Language to describe low and high points on a graph
Bahasa ini sangat berguna untuk menyoroti data karena pengunaan kata tersebut ditujukkan untuk menunjukkan angka tertinggi dan terendah.
- In the last 11 years, both butter and margarine continued its declining trend reaching a low of 50 grams and 40 grams respectively.
- It reached its highest point in 2001 with just over 80 grams