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Suhandono Wijoyokusumo
Suhandono Wijoyokusumo Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - Grandmaster of kundalini

Grandmaster of kundalini memberikan training dalam spiritual





21 Juli 2024   03:21 Diperbarui: 21 Juli 2024   04:38 9
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

RP: Seperti wajahnya. Saat dia masuk, wajahnya menghitam. Lukanya sangat besar. Ini adalah salah satu hal yang membuat saya sangat terkesan ketika saya bersama guru saya. Saat itu, saya belum bisa melakukan pengobatan sendiri. Itu pertama kalinya saya melakukan perawatan bersamanya---bukan pertama kali saya melakukan perawatan dengan dia sebagai asistennya.

TS: Robert, itu cerita yang luar biasa tentang pengalamanmu dengan tuanmu. Namun ada cerita menarik yang ingin saya ceritakan tentang Anda---yang saya sangat ingin Anda jelaskan, jika Anda mau. Saya pernah bertanya kepada Anda tentang hal itu, tetapi saya tidak sepenuhnya memahami jawaban Anda.

Ketika kami sedang syuting DVD bersama---DVD Qigong Ecstasy yang baru ---kami melakukannya di lokasi di luar rumah saya di Boulder, Colorado. Sehari sebelum syuting video sebenarnya, saya pergi ke luar dan melihat ke taman, dan taman itu tampak lebih indah daripada yang pernah saya lihat seumur hidup saya. Saya akan mengatakan lebih jauh bahwa itu terlihat dua atau tiga kali lebih indah. Itu berkilauan dan berkilau dan bersinar, dan dipenuhi dengan debu peri ajaib, jika Anda mau.

Dan saya berpikir, "Saya ingin tahu apakah Robert melakukan sesuatu pada taman itu?"

[ Robert tertawa. ]

TS: Or am I just so happy to see Robert because he's here making this video with us that my vision is changed? And I asked you about it later, and you said, "Oh, actually [I] empowered the setting of the video." You had empowered this garden before you even flew from New York to come to Colorado.

So tell us: What did you do to empower the physical space before you got there and light it up like this?

RP: Well, that is [two things]. Maybe now, I say it more comprehensively. I think it is from both.

One is the awareness of your years. [You were] more open, more connected [at] that moment. So all the beauties there before [you] were shining even more brightly at that moment, to you. That's one thing.

Another is---you mentioned this---the empowerment. Actually, that is what I'm going to teach for [those] three afternoons, that's one of the things. Three afternoons in the Wake Up Festival. It's how to energize the energy field where you work, where you're going to do workshops, where you're going to visit. This way [you can] make your trip more pleasant, more protected.

So what we do is, first we have---in our own body, we have about seven points that we want to reorganize through some gestures I cannot describe here. Yes. So you do [that] on yourself one time. Then you expand your body like you want to empower this whole room. So your whole body expands to the same size as this room. In other words, this room looks like you---a bigger you. Then you're doing the same [thing] to make your energy and this room's energy synchronize.

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