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Stakeholder Meeting On The Development of Palm Oil Industry in Papua: Government and Society Support Palm Oil Industry

26 Juli 2017   15:53 Diperbarui: 26 Juli 2017   16:10 700
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The total area of Forest for Other Land Uses (APL) in Papua is only 6%. All palm oil plantations in Papua are within APL area, not in forest or deforested area. Currently, not all of APL areas have been realized. However, the local government of Papua keeps committing to conserve the forest area outside the APL area.

Representatives of the community leaders of Merauke have also voiced their opinion. Father Felix Amias MSC, a member of Missionariorum Sacratissimi Cordis (MSC), told about his difficult childhood to all participants of the meeting. However, since the establishment of palm oil plantation in Merauke and Boven Digoel, everything has been better. "Now, the children no longer have to row for two nights just to find junior high school."

Regarding the smallholdings, the community reported that the realization was hampered due to various demands and pressure from foreign NGOs, such as Mighty Earth and AidEnvironment, through environmental issues.

"We have been waiting for the company to open a plantation for the communal right's owners. However, they have not cleared the forest for us to plant palm oil crops," said Abraham Yolmen, the Head of the Multipurpose Business Cooperative (KSU) Merauke.

"We initially thought that they did it in purpose to buy some time," he said. However, they finally knew the reason in the last weeks. Apparently, the company got pressure from NGOs, such as Mighty Earth from the US and AidEnvironment from the Netherlands.

As the representative of communal right's owners in Merauke, Simon Walinaulik insisted that they did not want the NGOs to intervene and prohibit the company as the land that will be cleared is belong to the community which has been included in the concession by the Government's permission.

Therefore, the stakeholders agreed that the smallholdings should immediately be realized.

Lastly, it was also agreed that the stakeholder forum is open to all parties, including NGOs who want to give suggestion. If there is any party who wants to express their opinion, it should be done through this kind of forum in their area so as not to be used by irresponsible parties.

Stakeholder Forum of Palm Oil Industry Development in the District of Merauke and Boven Digoel,Papua

  1. Frederikus Gebze, Regent of Merauke
  2. Benediktus Tambonop, Regent of Boven Digoel
  3. Pastor Felix Amias, Community Leader in Merauke and Boven Digoel
  4. Richard Nosai Koula, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Merauke
  5. Florentunus Mahuze, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Merauke
  6. Matheus Mahuze, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Merauke
  7. Emanuel Walinaulik, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Merauke
  8. Simon Walinaulik, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Merauke
  9. Abraham Yolmen, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Merauke
  10. Hendrikus Mahuze, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Merauke
  11. Petrus Boryemu, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Merauke
  12. Theodorus Erro, Representative of Communal Right's Owners in Boven Digoel

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