Mohon tunggu...
Sandra Prasetyo
Sandra Prasetyo Mohon Tunggu... -

Saya adalah Saya.





23 Agustus 2012   18:01 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   01:24 67
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

I'm afraid I'm out wearing a mask now

Where nobody would recognize or know me

What's in me and what had made me

When I have a feeling or when I have none

The true desire is deep down inside

Where none could dive in and dig it up above

Covers with many layers like the earth

The truth hidden like a pearl in a clam

All the beauty I have thought about

All the miseries I have through

Mixing together in the reality

When sometimes unbearable

But yet I'm still alive

Dreams, hopes still there

Love, passion still there

Waiting impatiently...

with a little smile cried out to be revealed

Yet, I'm still wearing a mask

So none could touch or reach

Then none could break

Till the time when I let them in...

(sp 26/12/11 04:28)

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Mohon tunggu...

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