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Stare Miasto w Toruniu (Poland Trip Part 2)

9 Juni 2020   22:25 Diperbarui: 9 Juni 2020   22:24 271
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But for others, summer brings days stretched ‘till midnight, and winter brings nights encroaching upon noon. Did they think the way I did, that this was how things worked everywhere? Did they ever wonder if it could be any different?

Planetarium (dokpri)
Planetarium (dokpri)
Ah, but I digress. Such things can be talked about later, at length in a more appropriate article. Toruń is the keyword for now, and I should get back to it. The last night before leaving Toruń, we had a chance to go to the other side of the Vistula River, wherein a magnificent view unveiled itself. 

My gaze fell first on the bridge we crossed, and then over to the Old City, and then the remains of the Teutonic Knights’ castle. It was one of those rare sights that really do look like they do in postcards and the like, if even better I could see it for myself. I almost felt reluctant to leave, but then I remembered that even when I come back, Toruń will come with me as well; as a memory that’ll never be forgotten.

Spectacular view of Torun at night (dokpri)
Spectacular view of Torun at night (dokpri)
(to be continued)

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