Unlocking the glass doors, a security guard, age 24, walks in.
Raising his face, he JOLTS.
                     SECURITY GUARD
           Whoa! Who're-- how did you get in?--
                     TOMMY (O.S.)
           Where's Simon?
                     SECURITY GUARD
           I didn't know someone's in here.
           Simon the speed demon? You don't
                     TOMMY (O.S.)
           Sorry, I'm TOMMY. My first day in
           Research Department.
                     SECURITY GUARD
           Simon was killed in a motorbike
           crash last week. I'm his stand-in.
Opening the glass door, A WOMAN steps in.
The security guard turns his head.
                     SECURITY GUARD
                 (to her)
           Good morning, CATHY.
           Good morning.
He turns his head toward TOMMY.
He's disappeared.