That morning, mom begged
                me... made me promise not Â
                to contact you--
She BURSTS into tears.
                ZICO, I love you forever.
                You own my heart forever.
                But you're, you're four months
                too late, ZICO. Our dream's not
                destined to come true--
Suddenly, his hands GRAB hers.
GRIP them.
                These are the hands of our destiny!
                Our dream! You and me! If you give up,
                it'll turn into a nightmare that will haunt
                you forever and drag you into a dark abyss!
She BOWS with rain and tears.
                INDAHSARI, please don't marry him--
                ZICO, you always know who
                you want. But, we don't always
                get who we want...
She looks away.
                Three years ago, I had a good boyfriend.
                Then, you happened. In two weeks, I'll
                get married to a great fiance. Then, you
                showed up again. What has he done
                wrong, ZICO?--
                Don't ask me, ask your heart!