[caption id="attachment_576" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Kids were excitedly watching"]
At 7 am, the moment of truth, yes it was the time to see slaughtering activities. There were 9 goats and sheep. At that time we only saw 1 cow from 4 cows. Those other 3 cows came in the afternoon. People were totally blended in togetherness. They slaughtered, washed the meats, cooked, ate, and shared the meats to the needy together. Kids, teenagers, fathers, mothers, and grandparents were united to make merry that moment.
At night, my mom just finished preparing dinner and all were from beef. Those were: 1. Rendang 2. Rawon 3. Empal 4. Sup Daging Sapi [caption id="attachment_573" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Sup Daging Sapi"]
So complete enjoyable fun day with amazing meaning and it became greater to share it with them, my overseas friends. Thank you Thida, Zin, Omid, Horia, and Matt :) [caption id="attachment_574" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="The committee ID Cards"]
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