The front part of Ndalem Sasonomulyo (1)

Chapter I: An Introduction, please click here
Chapter II: Batik Factory, please click here
Chapter III: Ndalem Sasonomulyo, please click here
Chapter IV: Delikan, please click here
After enjoying the architecture of old Batik Factory, we continued to the first destination of Surakarta Prince Residence, Ndalem Sasonomulyo. Uniquely, we did not enter front the main gate of the residence (south gate), but we entered from back part of the residence in which we needed to pass crowded housing area which is called as mager sari. Mager sari is the concept of living in an area owned by more respected or prosperous people especially the king; without paying and without owning the land. Basically people who do mager sari are abdi dalem (Royal assistant) From the northern gate, we directly saw the front part of the rooms in eastern side of the residence.

Sasono Mulyo is the residence of the Prince Gusti Pangeran Haryo (GPH) Dipokusumo, the son of the late Surakarta King, Pakubuwono XII. He lives there with his wife, Raden Ayu (RAy) Febri Hapsari Dipokusomo, one son and two daughters. In Javanese language, ndalem is home, sasono is like area/house, and mulyo means noble. Thus, Ndalem Sasonomulyo is the house which is expected to give noble to people who live there. The condition of the residence is good enough though it has passed through several renovation. When they were inherited that residence for the first time, the condition was terrible and literally it was almost falling.

Parts of Ndalem Sasonomulyo

[caption id="attachment_174221" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="The roof of main inside part of Ndalem Sasonomulyo"]

[caption id="attachment_174222" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="An ornament in Ndalem Sasonomulyo"]

Me on the Spot

to be continued.....
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