Generally, those residences are spacious with typical Javanese housing style called Joglo. Joglo has specific space functioned as open hall with dominant wooden ornament. Some of the residences are in good condition, while some others, I think they need urgent renovation. Uniquely, all the houses in palace area including princes' residences have their own names. These following pictures are the front parts of five princes' residences in which I will explain later in detail one by one in following series.
1. Ndalem Sasono Mulyo
[caption id="attachment_173133" align="aligncenter" width="313" caption="Ndalem Sasonomulyo"]13351031981171930942[/caption]
2. Ndalem Suryohamijayan
3. Ndalem Poerwodiningratan
4. Ndalem Mangkubumen
5. Ndalem Mloyosuman
This cultural trip started at 8 am and ended in 4 pm. Yes, 8 hours of the program, just like regular working hours on a day. To be honest the trip was so fun until I could not feel that the time was running so fast. Other nice things were to have the opportunity in palace area in buffet style which was cooked by Abdi Dalem (Palace assistant) and to visit the graveyard of Ki Sala who was recognized as one of the important persons for the existence of Solo area. The understanding about those residences became more enlightening from the information by Dr. Titis S. Pitana., M.Trop. Arch and Gusti Puger (one member of royal family). Plus, when participants visited each house, they can meet the host or Abdi Dalem who explained the detail of the residences.