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Sonny Hendrawan Saputra
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Someone who loves the diversity of cultures, enjoys to observe dynamic of politics, and learns from outstanding people with notable achievements. Dreaming of exploring the beauty of world with any uniqueness in any part of it.




Ruz Mulukhiyah - A Green Palestinian Menu

21 Maret 2012   04:26 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   07:40 132
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Ruz Mulukhiyah

It is always tempting for me to try Middle East menus. That was the reason why I could not resist the offer from my Palestinian friend, Ibraheem Okah to try his food that he cooked by himself: Ruz Mulukhiyah. For me, it was more interesting because I never knew Ruz Mulukhiyah before. As additional information, generally foods in Palestine are salty and sour. Thus, it 's so exciting for me to try another experience because mostly I eat Asian (especially Indonesian) foods that typically have sweet and spicy in taste.

Ibraheem Okah is really good in cooking Middle East foods

What is Ruz Mulukhiyah?

Mulukhiyah (1)

Mulukhiyah (2)

Ruz Mulukhiyah is the food which is popular in Palestine. It is actually general Arabian menu which is also commonly found like in Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia. Ruz is Arabic word for rice and Mulukhiyah is a kind of leave coming from the corchorus family.  It is usually eaten for lunch or dinner because commonly Palestinian people take bread as breakfast. Popularly in this food, people in Palestine use chicken meat but it can also be substituted by beef or lamb. At that moment, I tried it with chicken meat. It is extremely healthy because mulukhiyah leaf has the contents of beta carotene, iron, calcium, iron,and vitamin c. The taste is bit bitter (from the leaf), but it is balanced by the salty taste. The color of the food when it is served is so green, I mean dark green. The green color creates the fresh image of that food.

What Do You Need?

Those are all the things that you need:

1. Mulukhiyah leaf, that is the most important one

2. Chicken meat

3. Tomatoes

4. Onions

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
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