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Sonny Hendrawan Saputra
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Someone who loves the diversity of cultures, enjoys to observe dynamic of politics, and learns from outstanding people with notable achievements. Dreaming of exploring the beauty of world with any uniqueness in any part of it.



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Anne, Love, and Friends - The Celebration of 22 Career Years of Designer Anne Avantie

29 Mei 2011   11:32 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:05 1143
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The guests then walked to the deeper complex of the palace. They finally reached the spacious area called as Pelataran Kedhaton. It was sandy area and people believed that the sand were sent from southern coast of Java. There, people could also see the joglo building (Javanese typical style of construction) having the name Sasana Sewaka. The lamps reflected very well the the marble created the beautiful orange atmosphere inside the building. Thus, no wonder that guests made it as favourite place to take picture that night.

[caption id="attachment_110969" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="The crowd of invited guests beneath the old big sawo kecik trees. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption]

Mere in several minutes, Pelataran Kedhaton had been full by thousands of guests. They were very patient to wait. The image to see was also beautiful. All of them wore dress-code of Batik for men and kebaya for the women. Totally full of spirit of Indonesia. While they seat, they looked elegant beneath the neat arrangement of old big sawo kecik tree, the typical tree of Javanese family in the past.

[caption id="attachment_110973" align="aligncenter" width="470" caption="Diah Ayu Pasha was chosen as presenter. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_110984" align="aligncenter" width="461" caption="Mother of Anne, Amie Indriati gave flowers as gratitude for Linda Agum Gumelar, Sri Suharti Bibit Waluyo, and Iriana Joko Widodo. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption]

Finally, the show started. Diah Ayu Pasha was chosen to be the presenter. He looked gracefully with kebaya with kutu baru style which was the typical character of Solonese kebaya. She began with little story about the chilhood time of Anne Avantie who was born with the name Sianne Avatie. Off course, she did not forget to mention the achievements and contribution of Anne Avantie for Indonesia both in culture and social works. Then, Minister of Women Empowerment, Linda Agum Gumelar gave her welcoming speech which also stated that Anne Avantie had became the inspiration for all women all over Indonesia from the bunch of contributions she did. After the speech, the flowers are given by mother of Anne Avantie. Amie Indriati as gratitude to Linda Agum Gumelar; Iriana, wife of Solo Mayor Joko Widodo; Sri Suharti, wife of Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo, sponsors, and all main important players who prepared Anne Avantie's that night show.

[caption id="attachment_110985" align="aligncenter" width="608" caption="Abdi dalem became the model in the opening of fashion show. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption]

The video was also presented as the life synopsis of Anne Avantie. It talked about her family, her career, and social activity. After the video ended, guests were surprised by the coming of abdi dalem to the stage who were followed by royal troops with arcs. They became the opening models of the show. Off course, it became something unique in the beginning of the show. Then they placed themselves in the left and right side of the stage. They were there from the beginning until the end of the show.

[caption id="attachment_110986" align="aligncenter" width="604" caption="Simple kebaya in the beginning of the show. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption] The real model finally appeared. They attracted he audiences with simple styles of kebaya or commonly called as "ready to wear" kebaya. [caption id="attachment_110987" align="aligncenter" width="666" caption="Couple Dress. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption]

The crowd could be felt more during the couple fashion show. Guests were very happy to see the models who were the stars of television. Some of them are Rio Dewanto - Atiqah Hasiholan. Anjasmara - Dian Nitami, and Atalarik Syah - Dominique.

[caption id="attachment_110988" align="aligncenter" width="666" caption="Kebaya with the combination of Chinese touch. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption] Other kebaya styles to perform were the kebaya with the combination of Chinese touch. [caption id="attachment_110989" align="aligncenter" width="666" caption="Fun atmosphere in the middle of the show. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption]

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