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Sonny Hendrawan Saputra
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Someone who loves the diversity of cultures, enjoys to observe dynamic of politics, and learns from outstanding people with notable achievements. Dreaming of exploring the beauty of world with any uniqueness in any part of it.



Travel Story

When People Can Feel the Pleasure of Socializing as Real Human in Ngarsopuro

8 April 2011   22:35 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   06:59 389
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[caption id="attachment_100638" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="People can feel the pleasure of socializing as real human in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Aditya Darmasurya"][/caption]
"We have worked a lot. We both directly and indirectly have done contribution for the dynamics of the city. We make city alive from our activities. We make city moves on without we realize. Then the big question is: can city give something good for us as return for saying THANK YOU?  We have a right to gain something nice from city to make us feel more comfortable to stay"

What do you want to have from city after you feel so tired and hectic from your daily routines? What do you expect from city after being pushed by stress in office activities? Do you think city, where you stay, can give such a pleasure to relieve your tension of life? Does city have contribution to make you relax? Can city give you FREE OF CHARGE of entertainment? Can city make you the real human? The answer is YES..... ....and you can find it all in Ngarsopuro. One of the natures of the people is the need to socialize. By socializing, human can gain more knowledge, explore the inspiration of life, learn something, have introspection toward past mistakes, solve the problem, erase the pain, and make living happier. City has the responsibility to provide a media for people to undergo that human's basic nature. Having a public space to socialize  is a right of people that must be given by the city so they can really feel that they are the real human; the real human who does not only live merely for working, but also having pleasure to enjoy something good. Unfortunately, there are not many cities in Indonesia can provide :that right: to their people. Off course, as normal people, we dream of having large interesting city square that we commonly see in European countries. Joko Widodo, the Mayor of Solo city seems having high awareness to make the people become more humane, not like robot in modern era.  He makes massive renovation for area right in front of Pura Mangkunegaran Surakarta to be the real public space. The area, in Diponegoro street, was previously known as the place with many buildings sold electronic stuffs (dominant), cassettes, magazines, newspapers, stationeries, sport stuffs. Because the buildings had been fixed there many years, most people, including me, assumed that those were legal houses. People saw it as the normal electronic shopping complex that was permanent and would not be changed in exterior design. In fact, it was actually the public space. My grandfather told me in the past people could comfortably socialize there since it was spacious enough and in certain days people could enjoy shopping in temporary night market. The position was also strategic and reachable by people in the past - precisely in the middle of Solo and in front of important building, Mangkunegaran. [caption id="attachment_100660" align="aligncenter" width="220" caption="Mayor of Solo welcomed guests from 30 countries in Ngarsopuro during Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development 2010. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption] In 2009, the magic began, Joko Widodo elegantly and politely asked the sellers of those buildings to move to other places. The government gave recommendation of new strategic place to sell. Especially for the electronic sellers, government gave them certain building as high electronic shopping centre in north west from previous place - still in front of Mangkunegaran. There was no violation even direct fighting during the movement process of sellers. All were done in graceful ways. People were amazed after the buildings in Diponegor street was destroyed. They saw very large space in the centre of the city dedicated for them that they might not imagine to have it before. Then step by step, other magic come to touch that area: 1. Large pavement [caption id="attachment_100645" align="aligncenter" width="553" caption="Enjoying comfortable walk by talking with friends and enjoying traditional views. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]

[/caption] It is made as comfortable zone to walk for pedestrian. Imagine you can talk with your friends by conveniently walking in the large pavement while you can see some statues, painting, and many other traditional ornaments. It will be relaxing enjoyable activities to be done after being busy in office with many deadlines to finish. 2. Exotic Lamps [caption id="attachment_100640" align="aligncenter" width="244" caption="The exotic lamps covered by bird cages in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Aditya Darmasurya"]
[/caption] The yellow colour of lamps which are covered by bird cage. It is very unique and becomes iconic spot for people to take picture when they come to Solo. Many pre-wedding photo shots are often done here. 3. Seats, in circle shape [caption id="attachment_100646" align="aligncenter" width="415" caption="Seat and Talk - Time to Socialize. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption] It can be your favourite seat to socialize to discuss. Feel your freedom to share your feeling to your friend in open fresh area. Many chairs are provided here so you can choose the best seat with best view to sit. The seat becomes unique because it is located/attached in Mangkunegaran' lamppost. As you see on picture, the Mangkunegaran' lamp style is very typical similar to European's lamp style. The colours of the lamp are also the symbol of Mangkunegaran: green and yellow. 4. Renovation of Windujenar Antique Market [caption id="attachment_100647" align="aligncenter" width="553" caption="Windujenar Antique Market. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] Windujenar Antique Market is located in the middle of Ngarsopuro. It had existed before whole area of Ngarsopuro is renovated. Unfortunately, in the past the market did not appear very clear from the street because it was covered by shop buildings. Now, in front of Windujenar Ngarsopuro, you can see free of charge traditional entertainment every Saturday night. It becomes like a stage to see performances including Ketoprak, traditional dance performance, percussion musics, keroncong and many other types of performances.  In several moment, it is used as batik fashion show. [caption id="attachment_100649" align="aligncenter" width="553" caption="Batik Fashion Show in front of Windujenar Antique Market in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_100661" align="aligncenter" width="220" caption="Traditional dance performance in front of Windujenar Antique Market in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] 5. Night Market Ngarsopuro [caption id="attachment_100650" align="aligncenter" width="467" caption="Ngarsopuro is not only good place to socialize but also very nice to do night shopping. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] This is the most notable famous attraction in Ngarsopuro. Every Saturday night, people can come here to feel the pleasure of socializing by shopping stuffs which are very typical to Solo - Javanese traditions including batik with various pattern and style; wayang kulit (leather puppet) in form of key holder and bookmarker; sail boat with batik ornament, used as merchandise; Ramayana and Mahabharata character in form of small statue made from newspapers; old-style masks; and traditional wooden crafts. People can also buy shirts with image of wayang;ethnic accessories like bracelets, necklaces, and earrings; traditional scrubs; calligraphies; traditional snacks such as sosis basah solo, lemper, and arem-arem. The place becomes more famous with its cheap and bargaining prices. [caption id="attachment_100659" align="aligncenter" width="467" caption="Calligraphy seller in Ngarsopuro Night Market. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] 6. Other Unique Ornaments: Statue, Masks, and Paintings Don't be bored talking.  Take sometimes to see unique ornaments that may refresh your mind. [caption id="attachment_100651" align="aligncenter" width="553" caption="Painting of Woman who makes batik. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_100652" align="aligncenter" width="415" caption="Traditional Masks and painting of Gunungan. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_100654" align="aligncenter" width="451" caption="Javanese Lady Statue in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_100655" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="Statues of Gamelan Players with various instruments in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] 7. Festivals Socializing activities will never simply end without unique touch of Solo. In several occasion you can see some festival in the middle of Ngarsopuro including the current world famous Solo Batik Carnival. Off course, it is free entertainment. [caption id="attachment_100656" align="aligncenter" width="294" caption="Feel the joy of colours from Solo Batik Carnival in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_100657" align="aligncenter" width="294" caption="Free of Charge of entertainment in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] [caption id="attachment_100658" align="aligncenter" width="294" caption="Delegations including ministers and ambassadors from 30 countries enjoyed Solo Batik Carnival open air performance in Ngarsopuro. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]
[/caption] From those explanation above, it concludes that city has to give the right for its people who have given contribution for city both directly and indirectly by providing good public space to socialize. Solo has given nice example. By having public space to socialize, people will be helped to be relax since they can do something different from normal activities in work. They can also enjoy the sensation of talk and sharing with friends to ease the stress and feel fresh after enjoying free unique entertainment. Above of all this, the most important thing is it can affect positively to the social life and can make people really feel pleasure as real human who always have a need to socialize with others.  May it becomes inspiration to other cities in Indonesia to make it. [caption id="attachment_100663" align="aligncenter" width="553" caption="Place to eat in Ngarsopuro - Omah Sinten Traditional Restaurant. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_100664" align="aligncenter" width="553" caption="Nasi liwet seller in Ngarsopuro Night Market. Photo by Sonny Hendrawan Saputra"]

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